Yoda’s Law and Competitive Exclusion. The work is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.
I will pay for the following article Yoda’s Law and Competitive Exclusion. The work is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. In any given environment, two or more individuals tend to share resources such as light, food, space, and oxygen. These gradually result in competition among the populations when such resources are insufficient to satisfy all their requirements. Intraspecific competition arises in a situation in which some species compete for resources such as food, breeding site, and water. In this type of competition, the size of the population is determinant on the availability of such resources. A good example reflects a tropical rain forest whereby frogs compete for shelter from predators during the day, and when there are numerous shelter sites, predators take fewer frogs, and their population size increases. On the other hand, interspecific competition takes place in a situation in which different species compete for resources. For example, sea birds, shags, and cormorants live and nest on the same type of cliff and all eat fish from the sea (Tool, Sue & Susan 34). The principle of, Law of the minimum by Liebig follows that growth is controlled not by total resources available, but by the scarcest resources identified as the limiting factor. This concept has been applied in developing ecosystem models. For instance, the growth of plants may depend on factors like. sunlight or mineral nutrients. Here, the availability of these factors may vary in the sense that, at any particular time one becomes more limiting when compared to the other (Sharma 103).
Self-thinning (Yoda’s Law) relates average plant biomass to density when density-dependent mortality occurs, such that populations decline in density as biomass increases. This law asserts that the mean weight per plant increased faster than density increased by a power-law equation with an exponent -3/2 (Rockwood 136). The paradox of the plankton explains the reasons why it is possible for such a large number of plankton species to coexist in the apparent homogeneous pelagic environment. According to Gause’s 1934 experiments, two species competing for the same resources cannot stably co-exist under otherwise constant conditions. .Gause carried experiments on populations of the protozoa Paramecium aurelia and P. caudatum in which, the growth in numbers of these populations was observed when each of the species is living alone, and when both were living together in a constant volume of nutrient medium. Gause demonstrates that given two species, with the same niche, coexist in the same ecosystem. one will be excluded from the community because of intense competition (Burton 182). .