Writing work | Management homework help

One page for this one, APA style:

In December 2014, the CIA “torture report” was released. Read this report and The Reluctant Enablers of Torture article (both located in the Reading and Resources folder). 

Respond to the conclusions reached by the report and your feelings on the conclusions. Comment on the mental health professionals who helped design the torture and how this relates to ethics, the APA Ethical Code, and what we are learning in this course. 

Summaries of the CIA report can also be found on a number of news networks in their video archives.


One page for this one, APA style:

As you consider potential places of employment for the future, think about work settings that might require special ethical considerations. 

Describe three work settings that present special ethical challenges. Explain why they are particularly challenging.



This one is 300 words:


Are psychologists responsible for their behavior and choices outside their work environment? 

Give one example of a conflict outside of work that has potential repercussions at work. 



As far as this one:

One page for this one, APA style:

“As you consider potential places of employment for the future, think about work settings that might require special ethical considerations. 

Describe three work settings that present special ethical challenges. Explain why they are particularly challenging.”


I plan on working with elderly/children victims of abuse.