writing homework on Doing Critical Management.
Need help with my writing homework on Doing Critical Management. Write a 3250 word paper answering; Ontology is the department of metaphysics concerned with the nature of .Ontology is the department of metaphysics concerned with the nature of being. Ontological assumptions will, therefore, be completely influenced by faith. .Such assumptions quite naturally form the basis of positivism and positivist approaches .to business research. Positivism is the philosophical system recognizing .only positive facts and observable phenomena. It naturally accepts. .Epistemology is the theory of knowledge or grounds of knowledge. Thus, .
epistemological assumptions form the basis of the approach to business research. Epistemological assumptions will challenge every ontological belief and will .want to question every positivist approach of business research. .While ontological assumptions will naturally believe in the goodness of a .product or process, epistemological assumptions will want to interpret every aspect .of the same. Ontological assumptions will not question the theoretical basis .of a concept or a product or even a research process. The basis of such assumptions .is good faith or simple faith in the goodness of the product per se, .based on face value or usage. This represents a microcosm of ontological assumptions. . People tend to assume a certain fact to be true just good or proper. .
It can be so either by means of `rote’ or by way of peer pressure. Large scale acceptance .of a certain product or concept or idea will influence this acceptance aspect .of business research. There is no theory attached to a widespread acceptance .– just the mere fact of acceptance. .
Epistemological assumptions will want to get to the bottom of the matter and .will raise questions about the theoretical basis of the assumption. .
Epistemological assumptions begin with an inherent suspicion of the knowledge basis .of the concept or product. They want to understand and interpret everything .in a framework of methodology . .Conventional science is based on ‘rational positivist’ thought. This includes .the presumptions that there is a ‘real world’. . Data can be gathered by observing .it This data is factual. It is truthful and unambiguous. The ‘post-positivist’, .’interpretive’ philosophy, on the other hand, asserts that these assumptions are .unwarranted, According to this philosophy ‘facts’ and ‘truth’ are a wild supposition .and ‘objective’ observation is impossible, and that the act of observation-and-interpretation is dependent on the perspective adopted by the observer.