writing homework on A Connection Between Mental Instability and High-Class Prostitutes. Write a 1500 word paper answering; Most of these labels are judgment burdened, which replicates the propensity for an individual in this line of business to be surpassed by the circumstance in which the person exists
Need help with my writing homework on A Connection Between Mental Instability and High-Class Prostitutes. Write a 1500 word paper answering; Most of these labels are judgment burdened, which replicates the propensity for an individual in this line of business to be surpassed by the circumstance in which the person exists. It’s very captivating, that although there is much focus in public on what sex workers do, very little is discussed concerning how they fell into that profession and where the profession still exists. In a study carried out to investigate the women that are involved in prostitution, it expressed out that a higher percentage of people have a desire to quit from this profession.
In most of the studies that were carried concerning the sex industry, most of those involved responded negatively concerning the profession. Instead, they identified other fields that they preferred over sex work. This is an indication that besides the profession being singled out and stigmatized, most of those that are involved have shown dissatisfaction in this kind of life and they have a desire to turn over a new life. This still leads to a dilemma, why would a person choose to indulge herself in such an activity, and the reason why they stay in this industry despite desiring to turn over a new leaf. This study shall explore the etiology of individuals into commercial sex work and the factors that compel them into getting involved in this kind of life1. Moreover, the study also detailed into exploring the pervasiveness of both childhood and adult trauma in this kind of life, and the outcome that is linked with such an experience. Numerous studies indicate that most individuals associated with commercial sex work suffer from high levels of trauma about the entire population. For example, in some instances, in some countries, most of the high public prostitutes have complained of being involved in some form of sexual abuse during their teenage, most probably 16 years. The rate of prevalence of sexual abuse differs from one country to the other, and this depends on the attitude of people towards commercial sex workers.