write an article on industrial relation in usa

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on industrial relation in usa Paper must be at least 3000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The above makes it amply clear that after years of evolution since 1960 circa collective bargaining procedure in the US industrial relations sphere has been diluted in strength and scope. This systematic loss of power associated with collective bargaining in the US has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in the level of juridification of industrial relations at the workplace. As a result what is so obvious now is the fact that the US trade union power structures have eroded over the years with active manipulation by employers as against deregulations and voluntarism. The latter two concepts are used in the analysis on the subject by writers to articulate the historical process of evolution from the predominance of trade union determined activity since the early 1930’s. President Roosevelt’s New Deal did much to change the course of trade union domination. However the most important aspects in the US industrial relations sphere are related to the liberal ideology that places emphasis on individual entrepreneur’s talents. Thus there is very little emphasis on institutions like trade unions and concepts like collective bargaining.

The US society has been developing on exceptional lines such as the absence of a historical process of feudalism and aristocracy and above all a rapid social transformation process highly characterized by ethnic diversity and cultural homogeneity (Hurd, 2001). These developments apart there were some economic and political processes that helped the creation of a completely different set of rules and regulations governing employment and related practices. For instance form the early 1930’s a realignment of political forces in the US under Roosevelt generated a hither to unknown degree of interest in the individual entrepreneur’s ability to bring about the highest amount of good for both the individual employee and the society.

Thus the social transformation process almost overlapped the economic transformation process, thereby producing a host of positive implications for the whole society. The subsequent years especially 1950’s noticed a remarkable change in the labor laws. Each state in the country began to develop its labor laws on the same identical lines. This pawed the way for followers to adopt what the leading states introduced. As a result there was a clear polarization of forces within the business organization, viz. employees seeking to defend their rights through collective bargaining and employers seeking to concede less to the workforce (Boxall & Haynes, 1997). The ultimate result was that collective bargaining took a backseat while juridification of industrial relations became more obvious. Under this process of juridification labor contracts became more formal in legal applications. This in turn led to a gradual but sure process of erosion of employee rights in the work place. In fact rights were gradually replaced with obligations violation of which led to disastrous consequences for workers.

In other words the process of juridification of industrial relations in the US began to acquire a new dimension during this period.