write an article on halloween Paper must be at least 500 words.
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on halloween Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Character of Laurie in Halloween Halloween filmed in 1978 is the forerunner of Halloween franchise, directed and produced by John Carpenter. The script of Debra Hill was put to plot in Midwestern town of Haddonfield. Theme is based on violence, gore, psychic character of Micheal Myer and brave teenager Laurie Strode. Story begins with the family of three children, .Judith. the eldest, six years old Micheal Myer and infant Laurie Strode. Micheal Myer brain washed by neighbor Minnie Blankenship killed his elder sister Judith after she had sex with her boy friend Daniel. Six year old murderer, Micheal was sent to Smith’s Grove Warren Sanitarium. Dr Sam Loomis, Micheal’s doctor soon became hope less as no humanity remained with him.
After the sad dismissal of her parents, Laurie went to foster care system. She was soon adopted by Morgan and Pamela Strode. Records of Laurie were kept sealed, as no connection with her psychotic brother would become possible. Outlook of Laurie at seventeen was sympathetic, reserved, bookish, shy, well groomed and brave girl. Due to social nature Annie Brackett and Lynda Van Der Klok became fast friends of Laurie at Haddonfield High School.
After 15 years, Micheal Myer broke out of Sanitarium, more so releasing all other patients and stole the station wagon. He damaged his room and noticeably craved “sister” behind the door. Micheal broke into a hardware store and stole a Halloween mask with a robe and few knifes. He started chasing Laurie, mean while methodically killed all her friends including Annie, Lynda and Bob to isolate her. It was Wallace residence where Micheal placed all the three bodies strategically knowing well the Laurie will come.
When Laurie entered Wallace residence, found bodies of her friends became afraid. After fully confusing her, Micheal attacked Laurie. Her hand sliced off by Micheal, slipped down stairs resulted broken ankle. Laurie, a courageous girl didn’t give up and escaped to Doyle’s House. Micheal also managed to get in the house. Laurie kept him at bay by stabbing him with knitting needle. Laurie a masculine girl, during fight snatched knife from Micheal and stabbed him in the stomach.
Doctor Samuel Loomis gave entry and fired aimed shot on to Micheal. Having been received five rounds Micheal managed to escape from window. Laurie was evacuated to hospital, in state of shock, was tranquilized by doctor. Only after she woke up, came to know about Micheal reality as his elder brother. Micheal followed her, killed many people at hospital in search of Laurie. Along with Doctor Samuel and Jimmy, Laurie gave a brilliant fight to Micheal. she fired at his eyes with the gun given to her by Jimmy. The courageous girl continued to fight until the Micheal was not burnt, by ether gas with a big bang, duly planned by her with the assistance of Doctor Samuel.