Write a 6 pages paper on robots, cyborgs & al. The term android is used only on robots that look like humans, while the term robot is used on machines, which might look or might not look like humans. There are other examples of rising robots known as actroids, which do not exist in the science fiction realm, but they tend to resemble human beings in their action and also their reception to input.

Write a 6 pages paper on robots, cyborgs & al. The term android is used only on robots that look like humans, while the term robot is used on machines, which might look or might not look like humans. There are other examples of rising robots known as actroids, which do not exist in the science fiction realm, but they tend to resemble human beings in their action and also their reception to input.

In films like The Terminator, which have smashed awareness of the public since their features have instilled a strong idea about human fusion with technology. Cyborgs are aggressive and contain a fantasy of being destructive and invisible. However, this hyper-violent creature is among the many types of fictional cyborgs that have become the main way for commercial films to present the cyborg condition.

In films, they have privileged the masculine figure which is mainly violent. When the cyborgs are staged in movies they show different ways of thinking in matters of sexual identity and gender. The software interfaced cyborgs created to make the bodies of human beings obsolete when the human consciousness was downloaded onto computer software they showed aggressiveness and their prowess is always improved thus can not go down and the only thing they can do best is killed because its strength physical not cerebral thus can not be controlled. However, not all cyborgs are hyper-masculine killing machines they are also used for other functions e.g. the terminator in Terminator 2 is used as a surrogate father.&nbsp.Electronics technology capability certainly has caused fear which has been translated to massive bodies overpowering human characters. The cyborgs in films are also used to show the male spectacle and desire for a masculine body. This not only culminates in the sexual expression but also the brute force expressed by the cyborgs.