Write a 6 pages paper on community church at murphy’s landing.
Write a 6 pages paper on community church at murphy’s landing. Normal church services held on Sundays begin at 9:30 AM and there are different services for different individuals, for example, there are services for students, parents, and children. The church members are very friendly. At my visit, the church members surrounded me after the service and each of them greeted me warmly and provided their contact information. I encountered the son of one of the senior members of the church who works in one of the most famous firms in Saudi Arabia and we interacted broadly and we got to know each other deeply. I could offer help where necessary or other where I could and especially on Christian topics. The mission in The Community Church at Murphys Landing (CCML) equips one with virtues such as loving, it makes one grow spiritually and it also a knowing mission. The mission of this church lives to its best by praying and worshipping together as a community of believers and they grow together in spiritual maturity. Education, prayer cell groups, treating each other as brother and sister, and discipleship are the factors that aid in their togetherness of the mission. Besides, they undertake outreaches both individually or by the church throughout the world and other churches just to spread the good news. They also participate in global missions to spread Christ’s love throughout the world.
The church started was started in 1906 as a community church of Greenwood. It is located in Harding Indianapolis, IN 4621, and 7401S. It is also an independent community plan and surrounded by people of the middle .class. One doesn’t need to attend all the meetings and events of the church to become a member. Everyone is welcome though all church members seem to be related since they all come from the same ancestry.