Write a 5 pages paper on stereotype threat during mental cognition tasks.

Write a 5 pages paper on stereotype threat during mental cognition tasks. The researcher states that contemporary gender studies reveal that stereotype threat may play a role in altering the performance of the woman on math tests, particularly in cognitive processing sections of some tests where historically men have had superior performance. A stereotype threat is any disruptive concern caused by the acknowledgment of an underlying accepted or unaccepted negative stereotype, which causes an individual to assume that they will be evaluated based on this stereotype. Stereotype threat has been shown by multiple studies to impair the performance of women on standardized tests, such as the SAT, by causing states of anxiety related to an evaluation of performance by gender. Stereotype threat has been addressed in numerous reports and generally appears in most introductory texts, though few practical solutions for the issue have been suggested. One study attempts to address stereotype threat in a simple and affordable manner by simple explaining stereotype threat to participants and making note of whether this serves to eliminate the effects of stereotype threat, or if knowledge of stereotype threat is actually detrimental to those experiencing it. In this study, mixed gender groups were given GRE problems to solve. One of the groups was subjected to a high-threat condition, as they were told that the test would be used to evaluate gender performance.&nbsp. Another was subjected to a similar high-threat condition, but explained the concept of stereotype threat and instructed to keep this in mind in case of anxiety.&nbsp.