Write 8 pages thesis on the topic digital pr.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic digital pr. The digitalization of our social economy has hence changed perhaps forever, the dynamics of hiring and employing people and the manner in which we, as individuals communicate with the world at large. Social media platforms that began with a humble aim of enabling loved ones to stay in touch across distances have now emerged as a much bigger and powerful tool that serves multiple purposes. These include seeking employment, and retailing of goods and services online.

This essay discusses the manner in which digital PR has emerged to be a powerful tool in recent times and the causes behind reputation is central to today’s creative economy.

Central idea &amp. key argument:

Digital PR has increased in significance over the years with the rise in popularity of social media. Managing one’s personal and corporate reputation in the digital world is extremely crucial since failure to do so is likely to result in disastrous consequences.

Tell us your idea here. what is your argument? I suggest you state it explicitly at this point.

Digital PR is a reputation economy:

There has been a significant rise in the popularity of social networking sites as mediums of communication. The presence of ‘netizens’ in the online world is increasing at a rapid rate and the conversations they engage in are no longer ‘private’ or personal but are out there for the world to see, ‘comment’, ‘like’, ‘share’ or ‘retweet’. The virtual world of today is highly transparent and the information, including personal and otherwise, shared online via these social networking sites is public, thus making it a highly-priced and valued asset. Managing one’s reputation in a digital world is hence of crucial significance. Digital PR helps in accomplishing the goal of managing one’s personal as well as corporate reputation in an online world and communicating one’s positive image to the wider online public at large.