Write 7 pages with APA style on 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.

Write 7 pages with APA style on 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. I have heard the 1906 San Francisco earthquake variously described as The Great Quake and Fire, The Great Shake, and The Great San Francisco Earthquake- whatever the names might be, the fact remains that the worst-ever natural disaster to hit a segment of the human population on that fateful day of April 18th is forever etched in our memories whether through hearsay or the media or books or pictures. Nothing said or done can lessen that horrific sequence of events which unfolded that morning when people were literally caught ‘napping’ in the wee hours of the morning at around 5.13 A. M. Those who felt the foreshock would have had no idea that devastating tremors would follow immediately and hundreds of lives would be lost, thousands would be rendered homeless and the whole city would be caught up in massive fires due to broken gas lines and stoves. No help would be forthcoming initially because the water mains would also be broken and the whole city would be in a state of siege. Scientists may place the magnitude of the earthquake at 7.7 to 7.9 on the Richter scale or even higher at 8.3 according to the analysis made by more advanced equipment available now but eventual analyses become inconsequential in the wake of the destruction of such ferocity. (Wald, Hiroo, Helmberger, and Heaton) More than half of San Francisco’s population was left without a home by the earthquake and the fires that followed and 28000 buildings had been destroyed and approximately3000 people died.&nbsp. In the aftermath of the horror, massive planning and reconstruction took place and the people of San Francisco slowly picked up the shattered pieces of their lives and set about returning to normal. (“Timeline of the San Francisco Earthquake”)

In cold facts, the 1906 San Francisco earthquake took place on the 18th of April, 1906 at around 5.13 A.M jolting people out of their morning slumber and immediately after the foreshock at that time, the quake hit with devastating ferocity within 20-30 seconds at around 5.15 A.M. Before people could realize what was happening, huge buildings were crashing down like a pack of cards, people were being crushed underneath the falling debris, the asphalt on the roads was buckling and piling up and gas lines and water mains had burst open. Raging fires engulfed the city and people were helpless in the face of nature’s fury. I have read that the epicenter was near the city and for this reason, the entire city was rocked by tremors. Though the quake lasted for only about 40 to 60 seconds, it destroyed the city beyond recognition besides taking an unlimited toll on its people. The first natural disaster to be recorded by photography the pictures bring alive the horrors of that terrible day.