Write 2 pages with APA style on Health Fair.
Write 2 pages with APA style on Health Fair. There were interesting things to note about grouping. Most of them seemed to group up with ages and some were girl, boy matched but in general, it was groups of kids that looked athletic together and groups of kids that tended toward education together and then the obese kids either alone or with someone else that was obese.
The group of adolescents seemed to be the ones most likely to tease each other. Some of them were having problems with their skin and some of the girls were developing physically. There were a few that were trying to act macho or stand out and several of them were already using piercings and colors in their hair.
The special needs of children were different. There were three of them. One of them needed constant supervision and the other two went from booth to booth with limited supervision.
This age group was a little confusing. They seem to span many years when there are just a few. It certainly is a time when they are beginning to want to be just like each other or totally different from each other.
Booth and/or Activity
Dental health is what this writer participated in. The questions that were asked at the booth were how many times should you brush your teeth every day and how many times should you floss How often should you go to the dentist.
I, personally did not learn a lot about this topic because dental health is extremely important to me so I try to stay on top of what I should be doing. I did not have any remaining questions for the same reason. Dental health is definitely important to this age group. It is important from the emergence of the first teeth. This is when these children will establish lifetime habits that will save their teeth in the future and help to keep them generally healthy.
The materials were good in the sense that handing out the toothbrushes caught their attention and was a good thing. However, the blackboard was too full of information, and because of that and not having enough toys to get their attention, we lost some of them.
Health Fair
The health fair was fun for several reasons. I had a great time conversing with the kids and hearing what they think about some of the things there. I enjoyed seeing them learn and being involved in that process. It was fun giving out toothbrushes. It was also great to be so involved in a community effort.
The thing I didn’t like was that there were not enough children and they weren’t allowed enough time there to really participate in the learning they might have had. Something other than the drinking glasses, though the kids had fun, might have been more age-appropriate. The drinking glasses probably should be used for the 14-15-year-old age group. In the future, the kid’s time for the field trip should be increased and we should provide more toys for them to learn with.
With the way this age group has changed over the last few years, we might provide something on prevention of putting a tattoo on as well as getting it off. Piercing and how to have it done correctly to prevent infection is good also.
This was a very interesting occasion and I would want to be involved again. This is a group of children that are already beginning to make up their minds about things but are also still impressionable and what we do to get them on the right road happens here. They build habits and become more healthy individuals. We might have something on exercise fun, not regimented but what things are fun, maybe even the use of the WII programs for kids that are inactive and fun snacks that are healthy. I enjoyed it and I will be sure to participate again.