Write 2 pages thesis on the topic organization change.
Write 2 pages thesis on the topic organization change. The implementation of change in an organization is mostly the responsibility of the managerial staff. Whenever a company is not performing well the managers must assess the situation and implement change accordingly. A variable that affects the way in which a manager implements change is the corporate culture of the company. Corporate culture can be defined as a system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develop within an organization which guides the behavior of the workers (Shermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003). A way for a manager to influence change in a company is through his personal leadership skills. Employees will follow the guidance of a leader they believe in. Getting the respect of the employees is important in order to gain their trust. A leader must have superb communication skills to facilitate the change process in an organization.
Often change requires that the employees gain new skills and capabilities to be able to handle the work challenges. The manager of a company can facilitate change by providing the employees of the firm with training and development opportunities. The use of training and development can help the employees accept change because the employees become better prepared. A technique that can be used to implement training and development faster at a lower cost is online training. Another technique that can be utilized to facilitate change at an organization is the use of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. To motivate the employees to achieve greater production the company can offer financial rewards to the employees. It is important to demonstrate to the employees that the company cares about their work-life balance. The use of flexible time is a way to change the operations of an enterprise to allow the employees to be able to better meet their family responsibilities. Change can also be enhanced at a company through the implementation of teamwork. Teamwork enhances the leadership and communication abilities of the employees and it offers the workers a new dynamic work environment. Teamwork has become a critical success factor in the work environment of the 21st century.
The employees of a company can also get involved in the change process of the organization. The managers must keep the lines of communication open with the employees at all times. A way for the workers to get involved in the change process is through the implementation of a feedback system. Sometimes the employees are intimidated by the managers and they do not feel comfortable giving feedback. Implementing an anonymous feedback system resolves that problem. A second way the employees can positively impact change is by not experiencing symptoms of resistance to change. “Resistance to change is the action taken by individuals and groups when they perceive that a change that is occurring as a threat to them” (Changingminds, 2012). Employee willingness to accept change can help managers implement change faster. A third business concept that allows the employees to become a part of the change is empowerment. The use of empowerment gives the employees greater responsibility and newer tasks to perform. Empowerment helps include the employees in the decision making process.
Changingminds.org (2012). Resistance to Change. Retrieved December 11, 2012 from http://changingminds.org/disciplines/change_management/resistance_change/resistance_change.htm
Schermerhorn, J., Hunt, J., Osborn, R. (2003). Organizational Behavior (8th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.