What preparatory steps need to be taken when first creating a team in order to ensure that the team can function effectively?
This class is called Team Building & Leadership.
This question needs to be done in APA format with in text citations and references . My book needs to be used as at least one of the references. NO PLAGIARISM! I cant stress that enough–absolutely NO Plagiarism!!!
This is a discussion board question and there isnt a minimum amount of words required. It is due tommorow Saturday–Very Important–I absolutely cant turn this in late, she will not make any exceptions for discussion boards–they are always due on saturdays. I need this tommorow 10/25/14 by 10:00 P.M No Later! PLEASE MEET THE DEADLINE! Or Earlier if possible.
My book is:
Dyer, W. G., Dyer, W. G., Jr., & Dyer, J. H. (2007). Team building: Proven strategies for improving team performance
(4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.