What do you think of a ballet dancer’s life as presented in this video? 2) What do you think of a choreographer’s life as presented in this video?
DANCE 150 BCC 1969 Eliot Feld The American Ballet Video Analysis Discussion
dance 150
Bergen Community College
Question Description
Watch the video clip (The American Ballet) from 1969:
Eliot Feld’s American Ballet Company 1969 (Links to an external site.)Eliot Feld’s American Ballet Company 1969
Make an entry on our discussion board related to one or more of the questions below. (Discussion board entries will be graded separately from other homework assignments.)
1) What do you think of a ballet dancer’s life as presented in this video?
2) What do you think of a choreographer’s life as presented in this video?
3) Do you think theses careers are harder or easier than other careers? Why or why not?
Discussion board entries should be very specific with detail that shows understanding and comprehension of this video. Also respond to your classmates responses after you have made your original post. You will have an additional 24 hours to respond to classmates’ posts.