Watch Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock.  A Dream from Standing Rock (89 min) What kind of social movement is the standing rock protest? Explain why and give an example from the movie to support your claim.  (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess).  What social conditions are they trying to change? Who are the opposing forces?  Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess).  Define social movement tactics in your own words.   What are the Standing Rock protester’s tactics? Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess).  Define Resource mobilization in your own words.   How are they practicing resource mobilization?  Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess).  Define in your own words the free rider problem.  Now, discuss who might be a free rider in the standing rock social movement.  Now, discuss why they might be a freerider.   Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess).  Define frame alignment in your own words.  Now, discuss whether or not Standing Rock has achieved or not achieved frame alignment.    Word Count: 1000 Words

Watch the Jim Crow Museum

  1. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through a structural level process?

  2. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through a cultural level process?
  3. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through an interactional level process?
  4. Why is the propensity of folks to say “All Lives Matter” a cultural level race process?  What part of American culture does it draw from?
  5. Explain what a symbolic interactionist would say about the interactional effects of racial microaggression on an individual.  How is the concept of ‘looking glass self’ connected? 
  6. How is Tim Wise’s argument about guilt vs responsibility an argument about race at the structural and institutional level? 


  1. Define sex and gender essentialism in your own words.  Now Define sex and gender constructionism in your words.  What is the scientific evidence that sex is not a binary?
  2. Discuss thoroughly the use of heteronormativity in our culture.  Discuss what the Kinsey scale found about the nuances of sexuality.  Pick an example of a structural, cultural, OR interactional way in which society reinforces and reproduces heteronormativity. 
  3. Discuss how a structural functionalist would view gender socialization.  If sex and gender are empirically NOT binaries, why are we culturally beholden to the idea of sex as a binary?
  4. Now, discuss how a conflict theorist would see gender socialization.  the way the structure is set up…. conflicting interests built into systems.)
  1. Now, discuss how a Symbolic Interactionist would view gender socialization. State a cultural belief, norm, or value about your gender.  Now discuss if you have conformed or rebelled to the gender norm, value, of belief.   Was this value, norm, or belief instilled in your primary or secondary socialization?  Who were the agents of socialization for this gender norm, value, or belief?


Summaries: (50 words or more each answer) (which is a paragraph)

1.1 Describe fully why the sick role is a cultural level health phenomenon

1.2 Describe how illness is socially constructed via structural factors

1.3 Describe the historical events that led to widespread distrust of the medical community in Black folks.

1.4 Describe the state of health care access in the U.S.

1.5 Describe how we can use a sociological lens to inform public health measures.

Sociological Discussion Questions: (50 words or more for each answer)

  1. 1. Why are the poor more likely than their middle class counterparts to be overweight or obese? What sociological factors might researchers look at to understand the correlation?
  2. What sociological factors help explain the rise of opiod use and abuse in U.S. communities?





Watch John Oliver (25 min)


  1. What is the epidemiological transition? Why was the epidemiological transition so impactful for society?
  2. What are some positive social outcomes of medicalization?  What are some negative social outcomes of medicalization?
  3. What impact can the doctor patient interaction have on health outcomes for groups?  Why is doctor-patient congruence an effective solution for health disparities?
  4. State Wanda’s remedy for bias in doctor-patient interaction.  Which sociological theory is implicated in her solution? Explain thoroughly
  5. Explain thoroughly how sociologists of health and illness interrogate social factors as contributing the prevalence of disease in society. 
  6. How can stigma affect the sick role and why is this cultural?



Summaries: (50 words or more each answer) (which is a paragraph)

1.1 Describe how sociologists use demography to study populations

1.2 Describe the structural factors that led to the first demographic transition

1.3 Describe the debate over population growth and consumption

1.4 Describe U.S. historical and contemporary trends in urbanization and the rise of global cities

1.5 Describe the sociological perspective on issues of environmental protection and destruction

Sociological Discussion Questions: (50 words or more for each answer)

  1. 1. What is gentrification? What are some of the key costs and benefits of gentrification in U.S. cities?
  2. As you saw in the chapter, urbanization continues to increase across the globe.  What draws populations to cities? What sociological factors point to this trend continuing?








Watch The Story of Stuff (20 min)


Watch City Rising (40 min)


Watch Gentrification SNL LINK (3 min)

  1. Define in your own words the treadmill of production.  What does Annie Leonard mean by “externalizing the costs of production”?
  2. Is the need for a vigorous economy and the need for a clean and sustainable environment irreconcilable? Demonstrate an understanding of the two highlighted concepts and their connection in your answer.  What does Annie Leonard say about this?
  3. CITY RISING-Define gentrification in your own words.  Discuss how previous redlining of neighborhoods leaves neighborhoods open to risk of gentrification.  (Make the links, show your sociology).  Use an explicit example from the film to support your argument.
  4. CITY RISING-What is environmental racism in your own words?  How is environmental racism linked to gentrification? Use explicit examples from the film to support your argument. 
  5. Describe fully in your own words the social phenomena of spatial mismatch.   Besides employment, what other negative social outcomes could arise from spatial mismatch?
  6. What factors have contributed to the decline of population growth in many modern countries? What are the benefits and consequences of fertility declines?



 Summaries: (50 words or more each answer) (which is a paragraph)

1.1 Describe the funtionalist perspective on social change

1.2 Describe the conflict theorist perspective on social change

1.3 Describe the rise and fall theory of social change

1.4 Describe Blumer’s theory of contagion and social change

1.5 Describe how social movements practice resource mobilization

Sociological Discussion Questions: (50 words or more for each answer)

  1. 1. Consider what you have learned about social movements and social change in this chapter.  how is the global expansion of social media likely to change how people pursue change? How has it done so already?
  2. Under what kinds of societal conditions do movements for social change emerge? Describe a societal context that has brought about or could bring about the development of such a movement.







Watch Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock.  A Dream from Standing Rock (89 min)

  1. What kind of social movement is the standing rock protest? Explain why and give an example from the movie to support your claim.  (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess). 
  2. What social conditions are they trying to change? Who are the opposing forces?  Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess). 
  3. Define social movement tactics in your own words.   What are the Standing Rock protester’s tactics? Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess). 
  4. Define Resource mobilization in your own words.   How are they practicing resource mobilization?  Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess). 
  5. Define in your own words the free rider problem.  Now, discuss who might be a free rider in the standing rock social movement.  Now, discuss why they might be a freerider.   Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess). 
  6. Define frame alignment in your own words.  Now, discuss whether or not Standing Rock has achieved or not achieved frame alignment.   



Word Count: 1000 Words

title it with the topic: “Socialization and Social Interaction”

write an essay with the topic “Socialization and Social Interaction” as if you are teaching someone close to you concepts from this class.

Section One: (1 Paragraph Max)

Introduce the person you are writing to, and tell them what you plan to teach them in this letter. Tell them what you knew or thought about this topic before you took this class.

Section Two: (1-2 Paragraphs)

Describe to your reader what it means to have a sociological imagination.  State for them how sociologists interrogate social processes.  Explain to them what it means to study structure and agency.

Section Three: (3-4 Paragraphs)

Tell your letter recipient what you’ve learned about this topic.  Start by describing to them how sociologists view this particular topic.  You’ll use vocabulary words here, and you will bold them.  You need not exhaust your vocab list. the five vocabulary that you want to discuss with your reader, the five that you were struck by and want to discuss further with your reader.

Vocab: Ego, role-taking, social learning, behaviorism, socialization.

Section Four:  (1 Paragraph)

Tell your reader what you are still curious about with this topic and would love to talk over with them the next time you see them.  Tell them what questions you still have, and what you wonder about.  Ask your reader a structural question, a cultural question, and an interactional question about this topic.

End your letter by wishing them well!