Virtual workforce | Information Systems homework help

Assignment 1: Discussion—Virtual Workforce

Assignment Summary: Module 7

Due Date

Assignment 1: Discussion—Virtual Workforce

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Assignment 2: IT Strategy Presentation

Saturday, December 15, 2012



Increased competition is forcing businesses to become lean and at the same time attract the best employees. One of the methods that can be used by organizations to meet both goals is the utilization of remote workers. The use of technology allows organizations to select the best employees from a global workforce and the adaptability to assign these resources to a flexible set of tasks and projects.

Using the readings for this module, the  University online library resources, and the Internet, research how technology has influenced the utilization of remote workers.

Respond to the following:

  • What are the three ways in which technology has influenced the utilization of remote workers the most?
  • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages for the virtual employee?
  • What strategies can organizations employ to capitalize on the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of using remote workers?

Give reasons and examples in support of your responses.

Write your initial response in approximately 400 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria

Described the three ways in which technology has influenced the utilization of remote workers the most.

Explained the advantages and disadvantages for the virtual employee.

Recommended strategies that organizations can employ to capitalize on the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of using remote workers

Assignment 2: IT Strategy Presentation

An IT strategy should create a relationship between the investment in IT and organizational strategies and objectives. IT systems leverage the value of information for an organization and therefore the strategy should demonstrate how technology provides the organization with a value-added service. In this assignment, you will develop an executive summary to show how your strategy will benefit the business goals and objectives of the organization.

Review the work you completed on your LASA 2 assignment delivered in the previous module.

Create an executive summary of your IT strategy. The presentation should be approximately 10–15 minutes and should include the following:

  • An overview, at least one slide for each section of your strategy
  • A summary of any main conclusions or recommendations made in your IT strategy report
  • Specific details from your IT strategy report to highlight or support the summary

Use the notes feature to include detailed speaker’s notes for your presentation.

Develop  8-slides presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria


Summarized the problem/topic, findings, and conclusions/recommendations from your IT strategy report (LASA 2).


Organized the presentation to include a cohesive introduction, solid transitions, and conclusions.


Styled the presentation in a clear, appropriate, and balanced way between text and other visuals.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.