Using the text, Have a Nice Conflict

DETAILS: Each assignment will reflect an actual conflict, accountability conversation and
negotiation that each student has personally experienced in their own life, preferably in the
last 12-18 months. If you are having a challenge with this, please talk to the professor well in
advance of the deadlines to discuss your options.
Plagiarism, ghost-writing and sloppy APA adherence are simply unacceptable for a 4th year
University course. If you are struggling with your assignments or do not understand the
requirements, it is your responsibility to get clarity and assistance before the assignment is due.
LENGTH: Students will complete three (3) 7-9 page analysis and reflection assignments based
on each of the three frameworks studied throughout the course and applied to three personal
conflicts you have experienced in the last 12 -18 months.
FORMAT: Use APA 7th edition style including 12pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1-
inch margins, page numbers. APA formatted sub-headings in a paper are an excellent way to
organize your ideas and let the reader know where your ideas are moving next (HINT!) Be sure
to structure your paper as follows: a title page (1 page), reference page (1 page) and 5-7 pages
of quality analysis and reflection = 7-9 page paper.
CITATIONS & REFERENCES: Each assignment will have 6-8 in-text citations using at least three
(3) different academic sources:
• a minimum of 3 from the original textbook, and
• a minimum of 3 from other course material or approved academic resources.
• Non-academic sources may be used to support your work, however blogs, social media
outlets, Wikipedia, Buzzfeed, Dictionaries, etc. are NOT acceptable sources for these
6-8 references (so you can use other quotes, blogs, etc. but they do not count towards
this requirement).
PAPER #1: Conflict
Using the text, Have a Nice Conflict, analyze a personal conflict you have experienced in the
last 12-18 months. Follow these steps:
Step 1: EXPLAIN: Briefly EXPLAIN the conflict (who was involved, when, what the issue
was, what exactly was said or done to create the conflict.)
Step 2: ANALYZE & EVALUATE: ANALYZE & EVALUATE the conflict using the core
principles of anticipate, prevent, identify, manage and resolve (as outlined in the
textbook). Include the following as you reflect, analyze and evaluate the conflict:
• SDI & Motivational Values
o Discuss your MVS, how does your unique colour show up in this conflict?
Where do your strengths or weaknesses show up in the conflict?
o What about the other person/party – what might their motivational value
system be? Please give an example.
o What do you think were the intentions or motivations of the other
person/party? What were your primary motivations or intentions in this
conflict? Provide an example to illustrate.
• Was the conflict resolved?
o If YES à explain the resolution and evaluate the result.
o If NOà discuss what you could do to resolve it or even if it can be resolved.
§ Provide examples to support your ideas.
Step 3: RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on what you have learned in the book, online
lectures, activities and your own SDI assessments, answer the following in your
1. What 1-2 key things did you learn about yourself as you look back at this
2. What 1-2 key things might you did differently in future conflicts?
PAPER #2: Accountability
Using the text, Crucial Accountability, you will be making some key discoveries about areas
that you both succeed and struggle with in keeping yourself and others accountable. Follow
these steps:
Step 1: READ THE TEXT & TAKE THE ASSESSMENT: After reading the textbook, take the
Self-Assessment Survey (Appendix A, pp. 247-251) and review your results. The survey is
divided in the seven chapters of the book that cover the crucial accountability skills (five
questions each). You will need to read each chapter in order to understand your results
and the process of holding healthy accountability conversations. You will be handing in
your completed Self-Assessment Survey worksheet in a separate Moodle dropbox for
the professor to review before you complete your paper AND you will be attaching the
same document to this paper as Appendix A: Self-Assessment Survey
Step 2: ANALYZE & EVALUATE: Choose TWO (2) of the SEVEN (7) areas where you
scored the most “YES” answers and observe, analyze and reflect on those specific areas.
Consider answering the following in your submission:
o Summarize the key points the authors make in the textbook in these two
specific chapters. Share examples and citations to support your statements.
o What does this score mean to you about your ability to hold yourself or
others accountable? Discuss.
o Does it accurately reflect some areas of weakness in your accountability?
Discuss and explain your answer with examples from your life.
o Consider how your MVS shows up in the area of accountability. Include any
insights you may have about SDI results and your Crucial Accountability
Survey results.
o For each of these 2 accountability areas you wrote about, make 2
recommendations how you can improve your accountability to yourself and
others as you navigate bad behavior and broken promises in your
work/home/school/ life relationships. For example, if you are evaluating,
“Describing the Gap”, what two recommendations can you make for yourself
in this specific area to improve your ability to describe the gap when holding
an accountability conversation. Do this for both of the sections you are
Step 3: RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on what you have learned from the textbook,
online lectures and activities answer this question à Why do you think accountability is
an important leadership skill – personally and organizationally? Provide support,
citations and an example or two to support your thinking from all course material to
date and other outside sources as applicable.
PLEASE NOTE: You will be handing in your completed Self-Assessment Survey worksheet in a
separate Moodle Dropbox for the professor to review before you complete your paper
AND ALSO you will be attaching THE SAME COMPLETED DOCUMENT to this p