Using the text, Crucial Accountability, you will be making some key discoveries about areas that you both succeed and struggle with in keeping yourself and others accountable.

Using the text, Crucial Accountability, you will be making some key discoveries about areas that you both succeed and struggle with in keeping yourself and others accountable.


  • Answer, what is a crucial conversation?
  • Describe a crucial conversation that you have had.


After reading the textbook, take the self-assessment test (Appendix A, pp. 247-251) and look at your results. The survey is divided in the seven chapters of the book that cover the crucial accountability skills (five questions each).

  • Look at your results chapter by chapter.
  • Choose two of the seven areas where you scored the most “yes” answers.

o Observe analyze and reflect on those specific areas.

o Where in the process do the two areas for improvement exist for you?

  • Work on Me First, 2) Create Safety, or 3) Move to Action

The seven areas: Choose What and If, Master My Stories, Describe the Gap, Make it Motivating, Make it Easy, Stay Focused and Flexible, Agree on a Plan and Follow Up

  • Does your MVS give you any insights as to patterns you have when it comes to handling issues of accountability?


  • Create your own best practices (examples are found in the text and the PowerPoint slides).

o List of how you can improve your accountability to yourself and others as you navigate bad behavior and broken promises in your work/home/school/ life relationships.


Required Texts:Patterson, K., Grenny, J., MaxField, D., McMillon, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Crucial accountability. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.


paper will have 6 references from the original textbook (at least 4) and other course material or approved academic resources (at least 2).