Use any engineering graphic software you are familiar with, create a terrible graphic with at least threethingswrong. Then, create a perfect graphic by correcting the errors. Submit both graphics with anexplanation about why the three wrong things were wrong and what was done to fix them.
GENG 380
Homework #10 Equations and Graphics
- Enter the following ten (10) equations in WORD or Google DOCS using their equation editors. See the attached image
- Use any engineering graphic software you are familiar with, create a terrible graphic with at least threethingswrong. Then, create a perfect graphic by correcting the errors. Submit both graphics with anexplanation about why the three wrong things were wrong and what was done to fix them.
- Search the web for professional papers which contain graphics. Submit two examples of poor graphicsand two examples of good graphics, being sure to explain why you picked those graphics. Finding poorgraphics in professional documents can be difficult. You may wish to use the snip tool.
Submit your pdf file to the D2L dropbox by the due date shown.
.doc file | Analytical Review | 1 pages, Single spaced