Unit 5 | Marketing homework help


Impressed with your executive summary from last week, the chief  executive officer (CEO) for New City Home Care would like you to market  the company across the region. The goal is to build a stronger  relationship with physicians, engage in telemedicine, and expand a  broader reach to the community.

The first step is for you to analyze and research the changing  community and develop a marketing campaign for your boss, the director  of development, on how to best connect with the community of Sunny Beach  and increase referrals from for New City Home Care.

For this assignment, develop an innovative marketing campaign on the above scenario that includes the following elements:

  • Define the target audience, determine the marketing objectives,  determine resource requirements, define how the marketing message will  be delivered through integrated marketing communication, specify the  media plan, and discuss how the marketing campaign will be evaluated.  
  • Evaluate the potential impact of the expanded facility in patient satisfaction and developing new marketing share.  
  • Assess possible methods to build rapport within Sunny Beach and surrounding communities.  
  • Provide details on how ongoing research into the community will  help New City Home Care stay ahead of the competition and stay  well-connected with community. Consider concepts in monitoring the  changing demographics of the community and growing health care sector.