Unit 4: project | Spanish homework help
Unit 4: Project
Un viaje fenomenal
Haces un viaje fenomenal.
Escribe un diario para describir dónde estás, cómo es tu rutina y qué estás haciendo en el viaje. (You are on a great trip. Write a diary that describes where you are, what your daily routine is, and what you are doing on your trip. This has to be written in Spanish) Minimum of 10 different dates entries.
Modelo: sábado, 12 de junio 10:00. Estoy en Guanacaste. Acabo de levantarme y estoy comiendo el desayuno y bebiendo jugo al lado de la playa. Voy a…
Writing Criteria
Needs Work
Content Excellent Good Needs Work
Your diary includes Your diary includes Your diary includes
a lot of information. a lot of information. a lot of information.
Most of your diary is Most of your diary is Most of your diary is organized and easy to follow. organized and easy to follow. organized and easy to follow.
Your diary has few mistakes Your diary has few mistakes Your diary has few mistakes
in grammar and vocabulary in grammar vocabulary in grammar vocabulary
Good Luck! Buena Suerte!
Please submit as a word or pdf document, remember to include your name, date, assignment title, instructions and answers.
All projects require a minimum of 3 photos.
Remember: this assignment has to be written in Spanish.