Unit 4 assignment paper topic and informaiton literacy
Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 4 Points: 100 Overview: In this assignment, you will select a topic for your “Models of Service Delivery Paper.” You will also include an annotated bibliography of two sources. Stay away from noncredible sources such as Wikipedia, blogs, etc. The Post Library is a great starting point. This assignment is part of your overall written assignment grade. Select a problem that is currently receiving the attention of the helping professions. • Topics ideas include: substance abuse, homelessness, domestic violence, psychological disabilities/mental health, veterans, etc.). • You are free to select any topic you are interested in so long as you can apply all three models to your topic Conduct research on that topic finding at least two credible sources, and provide background information about your topic: • What is the topic? • Who is affected by the problem you selected? • What are underlying causes of the problem? You should show a clear understanding of the topic you selected based on your research (not opinion). Instructions: Using the attached template, you will complete your literacy assignment chart, to include: • The 2 scholarly resources you found. • For each resource fill out the required information in each column: o Resource in APA Format: cite the resource in APA format o Summary of the Resource: Each resource must be described in about 150 words that addresses the main ideas, credibility, and reliability of the resource. HSV101 – Introduction to Human Services Unit 4 Assignment: Paper Topic and Information Literacy o How this Resource Relates to the Topic: In a short description, share how this resource connects to the topic you will be exploring for your Models of Human Services paper in order to justify your selection of this resource. Requirements: • Written work must follow the word count stipulation above (not including title and bibliography; typed and double spaced with 12 pt. font) and APA style In-text citations. • Use complete sentences with proper grammar and punctuation. • Clearly answer the questions in detail. • Support your topic with 2 resources,. • Carefully edit and proof read your work before submitting it via the Safe Assign link. Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write. Evaluation Rubric for Unit 4 Assignment CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary (0 Points) (5 Points) Topic Selection The topic selection is missing. N/A N/A The topic selection is fully presented. (0-14 Points) (15-19 Points) (20-24 Points) (25 Points) Resources in APA Format The first column contains little or no resources or APA formatting. is missing or poorly presented. The first column is partially filled out for all resources. N/A The first column is completely filled out for all resources in APA format. Summary of the Resources The summaries of the resources is missing or poorly presented. The summaries is present ,but key details are missing; word count is not met. The summaries is present, but minor details are missing; word count may or may not be met. The summaries of each resource is clearly and fully presented, in 150 words. How the Resources Relate to the Topic The relationship of the resource to the topic is missing or poorly presented. The relationship of the resource to the topic is present, but key details are missing. The relationship of the resource to the topic is present, but minor details are missing. The relationship of the resource to the topic is clearly and fully presented, including all details. (0-5 Points) (6-7 Points) (8-9 Points) (10 Points) Resources 0-1 resources used. N/A N/A 2 or more resources used. Clear and Professional Writing Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed. Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation. Few errors that do not impede professional presentation. Writing and format are clear, professional, APA compliant, and error free.