This is the final week of the semester. Your initial Post to this discussion board is due WEDNESDAY by midnight and your Reply is due by Thursday at midnight. You must make your initial post answer BOTH questions for full credit and reply to one student.  Watch the video below. Why do you think it is that quick weight loss does not lead to long term weight loss?  Adam Ruins Everything – Why Extreme Diets Don't Work (Links to an external site.) In the article below, several types of diets are analyzed. Choose one and discuss. What do you see in the study that leads to its credibility or indicates the possibility that it might not be a well conducted or unreliable study? Do you have an idea what the “best” diet for weight loss might be? 

Low Carb vs. Low fat Diets

1212 unread replies.1212 replies.

This is the final week of the semester. Your initial Post to this discussion board is due WEDNESDAY by midnight and your Reply is due by Thursday at midnight. You must make your initial post answer BOTH questions for full credit and reply to one student.

Watch the video below. Why do you think it is that quick weight loss does not lead to long term weight loss?

Adam Ruins Everything – Why Extreme Diets Don't Work (Links to an external site.)

In the article below, several types of diets are analyzed. Choose one and discuss. What do you see in the study that leads to its credibility or indicates the possibility that it might not be a well conducted or unreliable study? Do you have an idea what the “best” diet for weight loss might be?

Low Carb vs. Low Fat Diets (Links to an external site.)

Learning Objective 4 Apply the concept of energy balance and its influences at the physical, emotional, societal, and cellular level to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of various methods used to correct energy imbalances.

Quick Wt lossup to 3
Analyze dietup to 3
“best” dietup to 2
responseup to 2