The practice of a caregiver being fully available without directing the action is known as quantitative time. wants-something quality time. wants-nothing quality time. floor time.


Select the best answer for the question.

  1. Who should determine when a child should start eating solid food?
  2. American Academy of Pediatrics
  3. Caregivers
  4. Parents
  5. Managers of the facility


  1. Timing and are important skills for caregivers to use to facilitate infant-toddler social play.
  2. arts and crafts
  3. powerful voices
  4. creativity in directing activities
  5. selective intervention



  1. The practice of a caregiver being fully available without directing the action is known as
  2. quantitative time.
  3. wants-something quality time.
  4. wants-nothing quality time.
  5. floor time.


  1. The cognitive domain is related to
  2. the brain.
  3. feelings.
  4. behavior.
  5. the body.


  1. The social-emotional domain is related to
  2. the body.
  3. behavior.
  4. the brain.
  5. feelings.


  1. Resistance to being diapered is a sign of
  2. stubbornness.
  3. growth.
  4. self-will.
  5. impatience.


  1. Which one of the following statements most clearly describes the “problem of the match”?
  2. Children are most attentive when a teacher is talking about information they already are familiar
  3. Caregivers should consider activities that are too easy for children, so they feel successful.
  4. The more children are challenged, the more they’ll pay attention to new material.
  5. Children should be challenged optimally beyond their current mental abilities.


  1. When you speak naturally to children, you can teach them all of the following except
  2. behavior skills.
  3. language and speaking skills.
  4. listening skills.
  5. words and language in context.


  1. If your body movement and appearance says one thing and your words say something else, you’re
  2. providing an opportunity for clear communication.
  3. sending two potentially conflicting messages.
  4. offering several useful modes of communication.
  5. sending two clear messages at once.


  1. Caregivers create curriculum out of play by
  2. encouraging the children to pursue specific objectives.
  3. creating outcome-driven activities.
  4. restricting the allocation of resources.
  5. aiding children in the pursuit of their interests.


  1. Developmentally appropriate practice is
  2. pushing children to the next developmental milestone before they’re ready.
  3. the same for every child.
  4. based on the caregiver’s culture.
  5. based on research and child development.


  1. How does a happening differ from an activity?
  2. Happenings don’t require intention from caregivers, but activities do.
  3. Happenings have predetermined outcomes, and activities are more free-flowing.
  4. Happenings are more complex tian activities.
  5. Happenings can be simple or complex and are child-led, where as activities are adult-directec


  1. Two-year-old Adam falls and bumps his head quite hard. He sits up and starts to cry, rubs his head, and almost immediately goes back to

what he was doing. What characteristic is Adam exhibiting?

  1. Modeling
  2. Attachment
  3. Resilience
  4. Self-help skills


  1. A caregiver can provide feedback by
  2. setting a good example.
  3. giving clear statements to help children learn the consequences of their actions.
  4. meeting children’s needs without manipulative motives.
  5. discussing the child’s situation with his or her parents.


  1. What’s the belief behind a primary-caregiver system?
  2. All caregivers working in a large group of children of mixed ages, in which children are free to form their own groups for play across age and gender


  1. Care for infants, toddlers, and primary students should take place in mixed-age groups divided by sex.
  2. Paying special attention to three or four children promotes a stronger attachment.
  3. Infant-toddler classrooms should have 1:1 ratio.


  1. Which one of the following is not an adult role in infant and toddler play?
  2. Providing time, space, and materials
  3. Providing solutions to problems children encounter in their play
  4. Providing a safe environment
  5. Providing selective intervention


  1. Which of the following statements acknowledges a child’s inner delight?
  2. You must feel good about washing your hands by yourself!
  3. You’re amazing!
  4. You always learn so quickly!
  5. Good job!


  1. What is the best description of free play for toddlers?
  2. Play without caregiver monitoring
  3. Caregiver-led play that’s conducted outdoors whenever possible
  4. Play that’s undirected by staff members
  5. Play using equipment that’s low- or no-cost


  1. Which of the following would be a good way to ensure toddlers are able to nap during the day?
  2. Allow children to become sufficiently tired, which is often characterized by irritability.
  3. Keep them subdued from arrival until after lunch.
  4. Enlist the help of parents, who can wake toddlers an hour earlier than usual.
  5. Allow for plenty of fresh air and exercise.



  1. Which of the following groups of foods are not recommended for infants under six months because they may produce food allergies?
  2. Tomato and nut products
  3. Dairy, meat, and poultry proteins
  4. Wheat cereals, eggs, citrus fruits, and nut-based products
  5. Citrus fruits, exotic vegetables, and out-of-season fruits























  1. The brain reaches nearly 90% of its adult weight by years of age.


  1. 16


  1. 3


  1. 2


  1. 6


  1. How can caregivers best support an infant’s sense of hearing?
  2. Play music and videos in the background throughout the entire day
  3. Expose infants to very quiet sounds only
  4. Create an environment with constant sound
  5. Expose infants to new sounds and balance with quiet times so they can appreciate differences in sound


  1. Sensory integration is critical to the development of
  2. perception.
  3. dendrite pruning.
  4. sense organs.
  5. a dynamic system.


  1. Infants internalize what they take in through their senses and
  2. forget it immediately.
  3. display it in physical movements.
  4. show no signs of remembering it.
  5. vocalize it.


  1. At what age does trust usually begin to develop?
  2. 7 to 18 months
  3. 36 months
  4. Birth to six months
  5. 24 month


  1. As infants experience the world, connections called are formed in their brains.
  2. synapses
  3. axons
  4. dendrites
  5. neurons


  1. When toddlers spend time wandering, carrying things, and putting them down seemingly at random,
  2. they’re developing their gross motor skills.
  3. it’s a sign that they may be experiencing a developmental delay.
  4. it means they haven’t developed sufficient hand strength.
  5. it’s a sign that they’re probably bored.


  1. The two individuals most closely related to cognitive development in children are
  2. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky.
  3. James Hymes and J. McVicker Hun.
  4. Erik Erikson and Magda Gerbler.
  5. Albert Bandura and Emmi Pikler.


  1. Which of the following tastes are infants most receptive to?
  2. Sweet
  3. Sour
  4. Bitter
  5. Salty


  1. If babies are consistently placed on their backs without any restrictions, what will happen to their development?
  2. Their ability to roll over, crawl, and eventually walk is hindered.
  3. They suffer from weakness in certain muscle groups.
  4. They learn to roll over, crawl, and eventually walk on their own.
  5. They suffer brain damage from the pressure on the back of the head.


  1. Infants learn
  2. identification when they become aware that objects exist even when they can’t see them.
  3. sensory permanence
  4. figments of imagination
  5. object permanence


  1. At about 10-12 months, babies fear losing their mother or other primary caregiver. This happens because they
  2. fear strangers.
  3. don’t understand object permanence.
  4. know that everyone dies.
  5. don’t want to learn autonomy.


  1. The ability to take in sensory information and organize it is called
  2. perception.
  3. neural pathway development.
  4. sensory integration.
  5. consumption.


  1. Interactional synchrony can best be described as
  2. a process in which adults interact with the purpose of teaching infants a new skill.
  3. a mismatch between what a caregiver is saying and his or her tone of voice.
  4. an “emotional dance” in which caregiver and baby send each other important signals and share emotions, esp
  5. an interaction where the caregiver is trying to make a crying infant happy.


  1. Much fine motor development in toddlers comes from encouraging them in what kind of tasks?
  2. Dumping and filling tasks
  3. Large muscle activities such as climbing and crawling
  4. Self-help tasks such as using eating utensils and pouring
  5. Writing tasks such as name writing


  1. Which of the following statements is true of young children’s vision?
  2. Coordinated eye movement happens from birth.
  3. Infants develop 20/20 vision around 12 months
  4. Infants prefer blue shades to red.
  5. A newborn infant’s eyes are focused at about 8 inches.


  1. What’s the difference between the approaches of Nancy Bayley and Emmi Piker when it comes to evaluating babies’ development
  2. Bale’s research was based on babies 0-6 months and Picklers research was based on ages 0-3
  3. There’s not much difference between their approaches -Bayley was a student of Pikler.
  4. Bayley evaluates babies through testing by manipulating them to see what they do; Pikler observes what they do on their own.
  5. Pikler’s evaluation methods are based on testing situations while Bayley’s are meant to be diagnostic.




  1. Specialized nerve cells are called
  2. neurons.
  3. genes.
  4. synapses.
  5. axons.


  1. Which one of the following actions is an example of a tactile sensation?
  2. Walking in bare feet
  3. Tasting something sour
  4. Hearing a piano
  5. Smelling a rose


  1. Children begin to use tools at about what age?
  2. 2 years
  3. 18 months
  4. 6 months
  5. 1 year
























  1. Adaptability, attention span, and quality of mood are all characteristics of
  2. conditioning.
  3. emotions.
  4. temperament.
  5. feelings.


  1. Which of the following examples of emotional behaviors are displayed by infants up to 8 months?
  2. Aggression
  3. Showing pride in accomplishments
  4. Laughing
  5. Showing fearfulness of the dark and the unknown


  1. Prosocial behavior is related to the concept of
  2. autonomy.
  3. self-esteem.
  4. negativism.
  5. altruism.


  1. A child who says “Me can do it” is exhibiting a spirit of
  2. prosocial behavior.
  3. autonomy.
  4. trust.
  5. negativism.


  1. The most common self-calming device for infants is
  2. holding someone’s hand.
  3. thumb sucking.
  4. crying.
  5. taking a nap.


  1. As infants grow into toddlers, the causes of their fear will
  2. stay the same.
  3. disappear.
  4. increase.
  5. change.





  1. How early in life do children become attached to specific person?
  2. 0-3 months
  3. 6-9 months
  4. 3-6 months
  5. 9-12 months


  1. When working with infants and toddlers with disabilities, intervention should be
  2. autonomous, altruistic, and limiting.
  3. individualized, flexible, and responsive.
  4. repetitive and mundane.
  5. rote, routine, and responsive.


  1. Two-year-old Amelia has been playing with the same toy for more than a half hour. Based on this information, we would say that Amelia has

achieved a relatively high

  1. level of distractibility.
  2. activity level.
  3. level of rhythmicity.
  4. attention span.



  1. Self-calming devices appear on average at
  2. one year old.
  3. two years old.
  4. three years old.
  5. birth.


  1. What theorist focused on the area of trust?
  2. Abraham Maslow
  3. Jean Piaget
  4. Erik Erikson
  5. Emmi Pikler


  1. Which one of the following statements about prosocial behavior is accurate?
  2. Adults and caregivers shouldn’t interfere in the development of children’s prosocial behavior.
  3. Prosocial behavior can be taught.
  4. Prosocial behavior usually develops by itself around the age of one year.
  5. Most children innately behave in a prosocial behavior manner.


  1. Jacob wants some cereal at snack time. His caregiver goes to pour the cereal in the bowl, and Jacob says, “No, me do it.” Which of Eriksc

stages of psychosocial development is he exhibiting?

  1. Initiative
  2. Guilt
  3. Autonomy
  4. Trust


  1. Which of the following may be considered warning signs of a communication disorder for a mobile infant (6 to 18 month
  2. Often misunderstood by others
  3. Misunderstanding questions most of the time
  4. Using only short, simple sentences
  5. Limited or no interest in interacting in a familiar environment


  1. Which one of the following questions would best foster language development in a child?
  2. Did you ride your bike today?
  3. Would you like strawberries with your lunch?
  4. What did you do at the park today?
  5. Did you see the new puppy?


  1. Infants learn their native language through
  2. social language opportunities with other infants.
  3. hearing certain sound patterns with regularity in the first 12 months.
  4. frequent read alouds with a familiar adult.
  5. natural instinct.


  1. The key in the development of a child’s expressive language is
  2. something determined by genetics.
  3. the response of an adult.
  4. the child’s home environment.
  5. the child’s ability to use words early.


  1. In helping infants and toddlers cope with anger, all of the following are helpful except
  2. providing for their physical needs.
  3. denying the anger.
  4. preventing possible frustration.
  5. examining how you cope with anger.


  1. True receptive language occurs when children
  2. react to the pitch and tone of a speaker’s voice.
  3. make eye contact with a speaker.
  4. smile when spoken to.
  5. respond to the meaning of words.


  1. When promoting

prosocial behavior, it’s important to do all of the following except

  1. model prosocial behaviors yourself.
  2. assert power in resolving conflict.
  3. follow a consistent daily routine.
  4. encourage cooperation.