the motivations behind the birth of modern philosophy

I need some assistance with these assignment. the motivations behind the birth of modern philosophy Thank you in advance for the help! Basing our argument on philosophy, it can be noted that the previous philosophy or rather the ancient philosophy do not give out the same picture as it used to be some years ago. As the way of life changes, so are things like philosophy and sociology just to mention but a few. However, before a change can fully be implemented, there must be a motivation. The same applies to modern philosophy. Before attaining its current state, there was a motivational appeal, which our ancestors anchored on to foster the attainment of their desires. First, our ancestors had a sense of recognition in that they recognized the existence of a new path that had departed from the medieval scholasticism. From that point, they started to refer to their own philosophizing style as “modern.” Notably, the recognition of medieval scholasticism departed path designating the modern philosophy.

Secondly, the early philosophers acknowledged the Greek philosophical schools, after which they breathed life back to them. The philosophers believed that the schools contained the middle age’s lost vitality, which they knew would help them drive to modern philosophy. In short, education was a pertinent motivator to modern philosophy. In other words, education laid a foundation for proper thinking, and so it motivated the philosophy to their destiny. Thirdly, freedom formed another motivator to the current philosophy. Through freedom, the early philosophers got the chance and time to move freely out of the oppression of the Catholic Church. In doing so, they stood on a good position of defending themselves from the trouble they experienced with the religious and legal authorities. It is noteworthy that most innovative philosophers always experienced impeachment as heresy. However, freedom made them overcome these accusations.&nbsp.