The future of the internet. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article The future of the internet. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. March 17, The future of the Internet is not certain. Although the prospects are bright, the drawbacks are also very relevant. Privacy and availability are two of those relevant drawbacks. The diminishing privacy of those online is one drawback. The usage growth might make the Internet slow or even crash. Only the future will tell the fate of the Internet, but here are some predictions.

Privacy is becoming rarer on the Internet. Free speech allows individuals to gossip, blog, and write about individuals (Solove 190). As long as the individual is airing an opinion online, there is not much law enforcement can do about it. Dan Nosowitz suggests “we sometimes forget that in no other part of our lives can we be completely anonymous.” If individuals are not afforded privacy in their physical lives outside their home, why should the Internet being any different.

Availability of the Internet is also in question. Farooq Anjum explains that the pathways

TCPs follow are real. When more people are online these pathways can become clogged. This

can slow down the Internet or even create an overload. The same issues were around in the

1990s, but the high expectations for the Internet were met (Doyle). James Canton, CEO Institute

for Global Futures is only one of the individuals trying to make the future Internet fast and

unclogged with traffic (Terdiman). Zittrain also suggests that if Internet problems are addressed

now there will be no problem in the future (22).

The Internet is still relatively new. The changes that are made every day, with technological advances, create an ever evolving entity. This makes the future of the Internet more hopeful, despite the problems needing to be solved.

Annotated Bibliography

Anjum, Farooq M. “TCP Algorithms and Multiple Paths: Considerations for the Future of the

Internet.” Mar. 2004. 6(1). Journal Information Systems Frontiers17 Mar. 2010 Online. This online journal source gives practical math solutions for future Internet traffic. The paths TCPs travel are examined. Solutions for making this process more efficient are given. Despite being a complex idea, Farooq explains the concept so easily most individuals can understand.

Doyle, D. Dan. “Future Developments on the Internet: Some Personal Predictions.” May 1996

13(3). International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. Online. 17 Mar. 2010 Online. Although this is an older source it is important to the future of the Internet. The views of the Internet in 1996 were idealistic. Many of the objectives like faster Internet speed, expansion, and marketing possibilities have been realized. This shows that predictions about the Internet can be accurate.

Nosowitz, Dan. “The Future of the Internet, Where Everybody Knows Your Name: Report.” 18

Feb 2010. 17 Mar. 2010 Online. This article is about the technological advances making Internet users more visibly known. Today Internet users are becoming more and more visible. In the future, anonymity on the Internet will be almost impossible.

Solove, Daniel J. The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet. . New

York: Yale University Press, 2009. Print. Professor Solove addresses the problem of blogs, social websites, and chat rooms. Everything written on the web has the potential of being saved by another user. Many Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter users freely give information about themselves. This information can come back to haunt individuals. This book is a series of stories about how information given online can hurt Internet users.

Terdiman, Daniel. “Internets future on display at Singularity U. 10 Mar.” 2010. CNET. 17 Mar.

2010 Online. Terdiman presents the possibilities of the future Internet. This online source suggests that “telepresence, mobility, artificial intelligence, and specific vertical market segments such as health care” can improve the lives of Internet users. This source is based on James Canton, CEO of the Institute for Global Futures and his company’s research.

Zittrain, Jonathan. The Future of the Internet-And How to Stop It. New York: Yale University

Press, 2009. Print. This book details the future of the Internet. Zittrain explains flaws in today’s Internet. He explains how to fix these flaws. Many problems of today’s Internet are addressed. This book is essential in predicting the future of the Internet.