Term Paper on Quality Safety Management

Term Paper on Quality Safety Management

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Quality Safety Management. Your paper should be a minimum of 2250 words in length. However, prior to venture into this quest, a reflection of the activities that comprise a construction-engineering venture is essential for the provision of insight into the study matter. Construction engineering entertains a fleet of events, including the assembly of materials from the sources or suppliers to the field of construction. This is a rather demanding activity since it involves the development of a safety store in the construction area prior to the establishment of the real facility described under the project. The assessments of the possible risks that may be associated with this development include the loss of the facilities/ equipment utilized in construction. Such loss is realized under incidents such as theft and natural calamities. an eventuality that may cause severe dents to the execution of the proposed project (S.C.P.C.U. (2000).

Subsequently, construction engineering involves the development of the designs that are to see the realization of substantial buildings with regard to their durability. All these elements amount to platforms that may eventuate to the serious occurrence of significant risks during or before the contract period. This assertion calls for the development of ultimate measures towards their address. Subsequently, the involvement of a spree of diversified experts in the acquisition of the mentioned tasks, for example, the raw materials, implies that the process of construction is a mammoth task by own self.


The details of the contract make a sincere effort towards the address of the possible risk that may eventuate from the execution of the project, including accidents to the deployed employees. However, the provided cover cannot be described as sufficient for the whole construction project in terms of the expenses that may be accrued from the occurrence of the anticipated risks. This observation prompts the evaluation of the possible risks that may be associated with construction in terms of the expenses they may annex to the whole exercise.


Assignment 2

Need an research paper on african american women in today’s society. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism. The life of an African-American woman in the American society has always been a constant struggle. Other members of the society, driven by their racial inclination and sex have liked down on women of color. The retrogressive mindset has made it difficult for African American women to stake their claims in the society while seeking employment and creating an upright identity.

I was raised by my grandmother who has to face increased social alienation of black women at the time. The social perception was that black women were to remain home, raise children and do the housework. Taking care of their families was their main work as opposed to seeking high-quality education, and connection to acquire good jobs. Pursuing a career was a man thing and for that matter, white men were the ones supposed to get the top careers.Patricia Hill Collins, the former president of American Sociological Association asserts that she went through harassment as an African American women climbing up the ladders of the corporate world. Her daily tribulations entailed being constantly reminded that being an African American woman working her way to a career did not fit her and she was not made for it(“American Sociological Association: Patricia Hill Collins,” n.d.). It was meant to keep her quite discourage her. Like Collins, My grandmother had encountered the social disapproval of African American women doing anything other than family and housework. She would not get amused when I told her that I wanted to become a reputable lawyer.

Assignment 3

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Find two articles that are influential in the field of Organizational Development. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT Burnes, B., & Cooke, B. . Review Article: The past, present and future of organizationdevelopment: Taking the long view. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1395-1429.

Organization development involves the deliberate plan to increase the organization’s relevance and viability. It involves the readiness to meet change. The market and the economy are changing first creating the need for organizational restructuring and development. According to Burnes and Cooke, organization development involves minimal to massive changes, which can be effected in order for organization to shape in to the new development. To fit in to the new changes, resulting from market evaluation and political changes, organizations must do away with a certain aspect of management to ensure reduction of overhead costs. In brief, organization development remains the dominant approach to organizational change. Organization development involves changing of the operations of the company to ensure suitability. The past, present and future trends indicate that organizational development still remains the key factor in the enactment of organizational change. Burnes and Cooke argue that the future of organization development is bright owing to the success witnessed in the process.

The article is valuable in the evaluation of success and failures of organization development. Since its inception, organization development has been used to change operations within organizations with selected success being achieved. The article evaluates the past [present and future of organization development. Several issues are highlighted which are vital. Change is inevitable in any organization due to changes in the market economy and production. To understand the problem Burnes and Cooke addresses the past, present and future of organization development in the article thus developing a better understanding of organization development.

Cacioppe, R. (2000). Creating spirit at work: re-visioning organization development and leadership – Part II. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 110-119.

According to Ron Cacioppe, organization development requires the support of the leadership structure to be successful. Organizational change is viewed by employees as a process of laying off workers leading to resistance when organization development is mentioned. The situation can be different if leadership and management encourage employees to participate in the change. The participation cannot be achieved without creativity and team building. Cacioppe addresses issues of leadership in organization development. Leadership development is vital during organizational restructuring. Modern management practices such as vision statement and balance score cards can be realigned to integrate the new operational models. The role of leadership is to develop a spirit at individual and team level to ensure success in the change process. Leaders are expected to motivate and inspire change in the process through several approaches. The major problem of organizational change is the minimal participation of the leaders leading to seclusion.

The article by Ron Cacioppe addresses issues that have traditionally been assumed by management on the basis that they cooperate. From the trends established, it is clear that the leadership has an integral role in implementing change within the organization. Many leaders assume that change can be effected without their participation, but the article proves otherwise by clearly stating the need for management participation in the whole process. Participation of the leaders facilitates the development of team work and encourages the spirit of cooperation and teamwork within the organization. Leaders act as agents of change but also act as agents of motivation, therefore. their participation is a must.


The two articles handle issues of organization development by focusing on the diverse issues in organizational change. Burnes and Cooke highlight the historical changes and expected improvement, of the organization development. The focus of the article is to create understanding of the existing trends in organization development. Cacioppe handles the role of leaders in the implementation of organizational change while encouraging the development of motivation and team spirit. Leaders have a role to play in the change process, but their role was initially overlooked. The two articles handle issues of utmost importance in organization development.


Burnes, B., & Cooke, B. (2012). Review Article: The past, present and future of organization development: Taking the long view. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1395-1429.

Cacioppe, R. (2000). Creating spirit at work: re-visioning organization development and leadership – Part II. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 110-119.