teaching styles of jerzy grotowski

I need some assistance with these assignment. teaching styles of jerzy grotowski Thank you in advance for the help! He also became the director of a local theatre during that time. “In 1965 he moved to Wrocław where he established and led a theatrical company – Laboratorium – which was in itself very innovative but under the overwhelming influence of Jerzy Grotowski’s personality. He was the author of Towards a Poor Theatre (1968), where he declared that theatre should not, because it could not, compete against the overwhelming spectacle of film and should instead focus on the very root of the act of theatre: actors in front of spectators” (Mackey and Cooper, 2000 and Jason Bennett Actors’ Workshop, 2008).

Grotowski’s style was unique and brand new at the time it was introduced, although it came across as quite odd to some individuals. “Jerzy Grotowski was a revolutionary in theatre because he caused a rethink of what theatre actually was and its purpose in contemporary culture. One of his central ideas was the notion of poor theatre. An intensely reclusive personality, he had no time for grand decorations on the theatrical stage. He was more concerned with the way in which the actor connected with the audience as a performer and as an individual.

Grotowski’s emphasis on the actor blending with the audience took pre-eminence over the sets, costumes, lighting, and other special effects. In his view, these were just trappings, decorations, and distractions and while they enhanced on-stage experience, they were unnecessary to the central core of the theatre. In the words of Grotowski poor meant the stripping away of all that was unnecessary and leaving a stripped and vulnerable’ and simultaneously ‘holy’ actor. (Mackey and Cooper, 2000 and Jason Bennett Actors’ Workshop, 2008).

Grotowski grew up in Poland when the land was under Germany’s occupation. The state, however, provided him an education and also gave him subsidy for his laboratory theatre and travels in Russia, the Near and the Far East where he received new insights on their mysticism, use of gestures and expression in dances, and acting performances. (Drama and theatre studies).