
Physics homework help

Physics homework help

Submit a 1750 words paper on the topic Formulas on Physics.

42-&nbsp.Copy of A bullet leaves a 28-in. rifle barrel at 2700 ft/s.&nbsp.What was its time in the barrel in milliseconds?

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. t&nbsp. =&nbsp. &nbsp. **&nbsp.&nbsp. =&nbsp.&nbsp. 0.864 mms

43-A monorail train traveling at 22 m/s must be stopped at a distance of 120 m. What is stopping time?

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. 0&nbsp. =&nbsp. (22 m/s)2&nbsp. -&nbsp. 2a (120)&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. a&nbsp. =&nbsp. 2.0167 m/s2

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. 0&nbsp. =&nbsp. V0&nbsp. -&nbsp. at&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp. &nbsp.&nbsp.0&nbsp. =&nbsp. 22 m/s&nbsp. -&nbsp. (2.0167 m/s2)*t&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. &nbsp.t&nbsp. =&nbsp. 10.9 secs

44-Three masses, 2 kg, 4 kg, and 6 kg, are connected (in order) by strings and hung from the ceiling with another string so that the largest mass is in the lowest position.&nbsp. If the system feels only an acceleration upward at 4 m/s2, what is the tension in the cord that separates Block B and Block C?

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. FBD about C:&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. TBC&nbsp. -&nbsp. 6 kg (9.81 m/s2)&nbsp. =&nbsp. 6 kg (4 m/s2)

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. TBC&nbsp. =&nbsp. 82.86 N

45-Three masses, 2 kg, 4 kg, and 6 kg, are connected (in order) by strings and hung from the ceiling with another string so that the largest mass is in the lowest position.&nbsp.What is the tension in the cord that separates Block A and Block B?

T(top)&nbsp. -&nbsp. 6 kg (9.81 m/s2)&nbsp. =&nbsp. (2 kg + 4 kg + 6 kg) ( 4 m/s2)&nbsp.&nbsp.

T(top)&nbsp. =&nbsp. 106.86 N&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. .&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. T(top)&nbsp. -&nbsp. TAB&nbsp. -&nbsp. 2 kg (9.81 m/s2)&nbsp. =&nbsp. 2 kg (4 m/s2)

—&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. TAB&nbsp. =&nbsp. 79.24 N

46-Find the mass of a body if a resultant force of 400 N causes it to decrease its velocity by 4 m/s in 3 s.

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. a&nbsp. =&nbsp. &nbsp.&nbsp. =&nbsp.&nbsp. 1.333 m/s2&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. and&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. F&nbsp. =&nbsp. ma&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. 400 N&nbsp. =&nbsp. m (1.333 m/s2)

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. m&nbsp. =&nbsp. 300 kg

47-A 20-kg mass hangs at the end of a rope.&nbsp.Find the acceleration of the load if the tension in the cable is 260 N.

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. F&nbsp. =&nbsp. ma&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. 260 N&nbsp. =&nbsp. (20 kg) (a)&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. a&nbsp. =&nbsp. 13 m/s2

48-Find the weight of a body if a resultant force of 400 N causes it to decrease its velocity by 4 m/s in 3 s.

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. A&nbsp. =&nbsp. &nbsp.&nbsp. =&nbsp.&nbsp. 1.333 m/s2&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. 400 N&nbsp. =&nbsp. m (1.333 m/s2)

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. m&nbsp. =&nbsp. 300 kg&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. and&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. W&nbsp. =&nbsp. mg&nbsp. =&nbsp. (300 kg) (9.81 m/s2)&nbsp. =&nbsp. 2943 N

49-Two masses (m1=2kg and m2=8kg), connected by a cord, hang straight down from either side of a light frictionless pulley.&nbsp.What is the&nbsp.acceleration of the system?

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. 2(9.81 m/s2)&nbsp. -&nbsp. 8(9.81 m/s2)&nbsp. =&nbsp. (a) (2&nbsp. +&nbsp. 8) kg&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. —&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. &nbsp.a&nbsp. =&nbsp. -5.9 m/s2

50-&nbsp.An 800-kg elevator is lifted vertically by a strong rope.&nbsp.Find the acceleration of the elevator if the rope tension is 7840 N.&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp.

Job analysis: Psychotherapy

Job analysis: Psychotherapy

Write a 5 pages paper on job analysis paper.

Observably, this professional who is usually trained with psychotherapy along with family systems bestows their focus on getting a compressive understanding to determine the mental status as well as the pattern of the client’s interaction within their existing environment. Though this particular profession is integrally associated with providing mental assistance to individuals, but also provides aid and support to couples and groups. In most of the cases, these professionals seek to provide a system to the clients for their mental or emotional challenges based on the family system, as it is believed that the family-based approach is more effective as compared to other forms of intervention (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 2014).

The reliability and validity of any job analysis can largely be determined by the supervisors, managers, and the people associated with this sort of profession. Notably, since my college days, I have been quite passionate about the profession of family therapist hence, I began to research every aspect associated with the profession. In this process, both secondary and primary data were taken into consideration to reach an ultimate conclusion about this particular job. Notably, from the secondary sources knowledge has been gained about the mechanisms of the job along with the activities one needs to conduct to attain the utmost growth in this particular profession. It will be crucial to mention that only reputed sources comprising of peer-reviewed journals and healthcare websites have been taken into consideration for the job analysis process. Furthermore, an effective conclusion has also been attained through gathering information from the primary sources such as interviews conducted with the people associated with this particular professional. Hence, it can be affirmed that the information that has been gathered to complete the job analysis can be considered valid and reliable for which the overall result can be relied upon.

write an article on two suspension bridges Paper must be at least 1500 words.

The Roquemaure Bridge spanning the Rhone River in France, on the other hand, is a suspension bridge that came to replace an older bridge known as the 1835 Roquemaure Bridge, which still has a section in existence astride the present bridge, as a relic. The bridge is noteworthy for being one of 42 bridges in history that have spanned the Rhone River and have steel as its key structural suspension cable material. consisting of two lanes, and three suspended spans, one main span, and two side spans. It is currently in use and serving a useful function being used as a thoroughfare crossing the two sides of the Rhone River and providing commuters with a way to get through to the two sides with its two lanes, one going in opposite directions and serving the needs of the surrounding population through time (Denenberg (b) n.d.. Denenberg (c) n.d.).

The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is impressive in its history and its characteristics, having been made with a keen eye to the engineering and technological considerations and complexities in building such a long suspension bridge span, and mindful of the environmental conditions that the bridge must be able to weather year after year. For instance, each of its towers has a height of 693 feet, and these towers have deviations in terms of top and bottom. That deviation has been measured to be 1 and ⅝ inches. The deviations are due to the need for the bridge to take into consideration the curvature of the earth, given that the distance between the towers is 4,260 feet. The towers have individual weights of 27,000 tons and are held& place each by a million bolt pieces and three million rivet pieces. This is a twin-decker bridge, and the contractions and expansions of the steel cables with the changes in the season cause a 12-foot deviation in elevation between the summer months and the winter months (Metropolitan Transit Authority 2014).

Thesis writing homework help

Thesis writing homework help

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic various aspects of lifespan development

Physical development can be defined as the process through which the infants or rather the newborns gain control over their bodies. Thus, they get to move on their own with or without the support of other people or items (Krapp & Wilson, 2005). Between the first two to five months. these young babies can roll over in both directions and therefore they cannot move or rather walk, stand or grow on their own. This is because their bones are still very weak, and the physiological development is still at initial stages thus from this scenario it is true thus to say that a child’s physical development starts with muscular control.

This process, however, is gradual, and the parents should not get worried in case it seems to delay. In between five and seven months the children develop the first teeth. Assuming that the child has been undergoing normal breastfeeding, they now have high levels of calcium in their bodies hence they develop teeth (Festingen, 1962). After this time, the child is now between 5 and seven months. They start exhibiting the ability to sit unsupported (although not for a long time as they easily get tired). The infants under this stage also crawl on hands and knees, and they can even pull themselves up while holding on objects. This gives their parents a signal that they can now start giving the child more exercise. Parent, therefore, hold their babies hands and encouraging them to make their first steps.

Physical development can be affected by both genetic or rather hereditary and environmental factors. First I will begin by considering genetic factors. When a child is conceived, they usually take up the genetic makeup of their parents. For instance, if the genes of either of their parents or both are such that they grow slowly, it goes without saying that the child will follow suit too.

Psychology thesis writing homework.

Create a thesis and an outline on CBT Research into Perfectionism. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

In this context, perfectionism can be a component of how problems develop and may also be an aspect that continues to fuel the problems. At its very basic level, Cognitive-Behavior Therapy seeks to understand and make changes to thoughts, beliefs, and behavior, which fuel the existence of problems (Herbert & Forman, 2011). In dealing with perfectionism, these cycles have to be identified to make changes that will result in the problem areas being reduced.

Researchers consider perfectionism as belonging to a cluster of thoughts, behaviors, and feelings that focus on the attainment of faultlessness and distinction, as well as in the achievement of high standards regardless of the associated costs (Frost & Steketee, 2002). These attributes may appear at first glance as appropriate and useful when considered from a school or work point of view, and in most cases, they are supported by the society (Egan & Wade, 2014). However, when this form of being is considered as a part of daily living, the results seem to be dysfunctional as the people who consider themselves to be perfectionists set targets that are difficult for them and others to achieve. People with this problem are often dissatisfied when they do not meet these expectations as they define their self-worth through the attainment of their set standards.

People who are associated with perfectionism are affected by self-doubt and can never be satisfied completely in a manner that will last (Hackfort & Tenenbaum, 2006). Perfectionists often fall into slippery slopes that involve their belief systems interfering with their activities including relationships and work. For instance, an individual with perfectionist characteristics may miss deadlines regularly as a result of their high work standards and may in numerous situations face writer’s block. A perfectionist individual also erodes his or her relationship with friends and family as he or she will start imposing the same impractical standards on the people who are important in their lives. Perfectionists, in most instances, continue to take part in the same actions regardless of the negative impact since they fear failure.

Ethical dilemma homework help

Ethical dilemma homework help

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses sales ethics : sales person’s dilemma.

If I were Janet I would not accept the business deal offered by Sy Abell as it would be unethical and unprofessional behavior. Abell’s offer is conflicting with the ethical and moral standards, as it requires unethical behavior towards its key competitor, the owner of the jewelry store, Harry Godowski. Janet has already established good and reliable relationships with Mr. Godowski and the fact that he invests 100% of his marketing budget to The Daily News is a strong argument. Warner’s statement that “it is not smart business to undo a trusting relationship and bite the hand that will feed your company in future years” is perfectly applicable to this situation (Warner, Chapter 3, p. 2). By cheating and gouging Janet will jeopardize revenue of the company and there is no guarantee that Sy Abell and the company he represents will become The Daily News’ client in the long-term perspective. Janet, being a salesperson, should act ethically in order to increase her self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image. This behavior will give positive results to both Janet and the company she works for.

In case if the deal is taken, it would be necessary to tell something to Harry Godowski. While it will be possible to say it when Mr. Godowski sees the Hess banners above his on the Daily News website, but I suggest that it would be helpful to apply the principles of Emotional Intelligence and ethics, and inform him before the Hess banners are placed on the website. It will be necessary to communicate a sense of caring for Mr. Godowski while informing him about the news. Also, it might be logical to offer him an alternative solution and explain the benefits of this solution. May be, there could be developed some exclusive offer to Mr. Godowski which will keep him satisfied with the Daily News.

If I do not take the deal offered by Sy Abell, I would need to give proper arguments to my sales manager.

Management homework help

Write 1 page with APA style on Conclusion for Management Project

We decided to choose the School of Rock movie because everybody had seen it. The schedule was finalized until the second week. We had a balanced group structure wherein the communication flow was very efficient. We had unintentionally established some SMART goals for the team prior to knowing the full definition. The time-bound goal was a specific goal for our team. Our group’s most frequently used style was the collaborative approach style. We had no conflicts except for a minor conflict about matching the schedules we had prepared. However, our frequent communication with the emails enabled us to understand one another’s viewpoints and eliminate the misunderstandings. The email was a powerful tool in our communication as we used it to share ideas and other group related materials with one another. We all got along really well and respected each other. Maintaining the schedule and finishing the project upon a time was a big challenge for our group

Reflection paper Assignment

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: Studying of Genetically Modified Food. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Other studies resist widespread and implementation of the technology because of concerns that GMO foods can cross biological boundaries and cause harm to humans and the environment. Besides safety and environmental aspects, the topic draws a lot of socio-economic concerns, public knowledge and attitude, confidence in decision-making institutions and ethical concerns that shape consumer perceptions of the risks posed by GM foods. Public opinion is a force that should have been taken into account if gene engineering needed to be successful in developing new product especially the controversial GM foods. The issue of GM food is made complex by the various interested groups, the different perceptions of risk and reward as well as the conflicting perceptions regarding the benefits and costs associated with the controversial products. The answers behind the controversy are complicated ranging from ethical to religious to even potential health and safety impacts posed by the technology in GM foods.

Supporters of the genetic modification in foods highlight the premise that the technology is capable of meeting not only the basic food needs of the society but also achieving nutritional, environmental and economic benefits to the consumers. Skeptics of GM foods consider this to unnecessary interference with nature that poses unknown and potentially catastrophic consequences. According to Hossain et al (2003), regardless of the potential of GM foods, they have received mixed regulatory and public acceptance within the US and other parts of the world. Moreover, regardless of the prevailing technological challenges, consumer acceptance of GM foods remains an essential factor that determines the future of the technology. This stems from the scarcity of reliable information regarding consumer awareness and perception concerning the significant subject. Based on a sample population of students, Hossain et al (2003) found the students were reluctant to consume food with GM ingredients based on the safety concerns of GM foods.

Intellectual property term paper

Intellectual property term paper

Prepare and submit a term paper on Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in Software. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length.

The software market loses billions of dollars every year because of illegal copying. This has particularly been witnessed in Qatar where a report shows that the country has lost millions of dollars to pirates in the software industry (Banerjee 2003, p.98). The duplication is usually done in two different ways namely software duplication and reverse engineering. Through these two methods, pirates have found it easy to duplicate the original works of others and use the pirated software to enrich themselves at the expense of the original producers (Banerjee 2003, p.98). In fact, presently most software shops in Qatar are full of illegally acquired software. However, as earlier stated, this is a global problem that needs joint effort through legislation of policies to protect the intellectual property rights in the software industry.

However, there exist three different methods through which intellectual property rights in the software industry can be protected. These include patents, copyrights, and trademarks. All these methods protect software rights in different ways. A patent is one of the most common intellectual property rights protections. A patent is basically used to protect an ‘idea’, such as, how to produce given software. In this regard, Arai (2012, p.2) reveals that a patent can be used to protect software when it has an innovative idea aimed at enhancing productivity and efficiency. This is extremely important because it prevents the use of someone’s innovative ideas by malicious and unscrupulous pirates.

A patent usually provides this protection by granting exclusive monopoly the right to produce, sell, and utilize the invention for twenty years (Banerjee 2003, p.99). The report indicates that the exclusive monopoly for the production, use, and sale of the software is usually perceived as a reward for the effort and time spent in coming up with the new invention.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic dew point compared to observed atmospheric conditions. The dew point is the temperature at which dew will begin to drop out of the air. As an air mass cools it is able to hold less and less water. When the first moisture begins to drop out as dew, that temperature is the dew point.

When it is foggy or cloudy, the air has more moisture in it than in a clear or cloudless day. It is closer to being saturated with moisture at that temperature than otherwise. Therefore, to become completely saturated, the temperature would have to be decreased less. Thus, the dew point spread is lower. The closer the dew point is to actual temperature, the closer to saturation the air is. That makes sense.

When dew point spread is low, that means the air is nearly saturated with water vapor. You would not need to decrease the ambient temperature by much to put it into saturation. As such, when it is humid outside, the air is much closer to saturation than otherwise, and the dew point spread is low. That is the relationship you see when it is cloudy or foggy. The air has enough moisture at those temperatures to be visible, and it would not have to get much colder for it to drop from the air.

Graphenes thermal properties

write an article on Understanding Graphenes Thermal Properties. It needs to be at least 3000 words.

The ability of a material to conduct heat is usually based on the atomic structure of the material and the thermal properties’ knowledge. The material’s thermal properties may change when their system is put on the nanometer scale[3]. The divergence of the thermal conductivity in two-dimensional crystals means that the crystal’s anharmonicity is not considered sufficient for the restoration of the thermal equilibrium. Hence, there is a need for one to consider either limiting the size of the system or introducing disorder to have the finite value of the thermal conductivity[4].

Availability of the few layers of graphene of high quality has led to the experimentation on the evolution of the thermal properties of the system’s dimensionality from 3D to 2D[5]. The initial measurements of the thermal properties of graphene showed a thermal conductivity that is above the bulk limit of graphite

Keywords: graphene, phonon, thermal conductivity, scattering, the dispersion relation

Graphene, a recently 2-D developed allotrope of the nanocarbon, is known as a single atomic layer of graphite[2]. The strongest bonds result from the in-plane covalent hexagonallysp2 between the carbon atoms, which are significantly more potent than the sp3diamond bonding. The planes of graphene on the graphite crystal are due to weak van der Waal forces between them.&nbsp. The anisotropic nature of the crystals can be used to determine the thermal attributes of graphene.

The elimination of heat loss in electronic devices has been a problem encountered by various electronic industry researchers. Therefore, the industry has put more effort and resources in searching for better materials that dissipate less heat to improve the innovations of the next generations of integrated circuits (ICs) designs and 3-D electronic devices. Thermal properties issues have been encountered both in the photonic and optoelectronic devices[6].

Metals usually contain electrons that are delocalized which enable them to carry a charge from one point to another. Contrary, graphene electrons are arranged in a pi-bond model which allows interconnectivity with the neighboring atoms as they travel from one atom to another[5].


Renewable energy Homework

write an article on Renewable Energy. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

The source of solar energy is practically unlimited, and it is accessible and able to be used in many parts of the world. However, to plan and design proper energy conversion systems, solar energy experts must be equipped with appropriate knowledge of harvesting the energy. Trieb (2005), among others, did research on the aspect of solar irradiation, which is electromagnetic radiation from the sun’s rays. They found that outside the earth’s atmosphere, the solar irradiance on a surface perpendicular to the sun’s rays at a mean distance between the world and the sun practically remains unchanged throughout the year. According to Bailey et al. (1997), its value is now accepted to be 1.367W/m2. “This figure is estimated to be about 1,000W/m2 on the earth’s surface when the sky is clear”.

When the sun’s surface temperature is almost 6000K, the sun’s electromagnetic irradiance is spread over wavelengths ranging from 0.3 to 3µm. About 50% of solar irradiance is infrared, 40% is visible light, and 10% is ultraviolet radiation. However, it is challenging to evaluate solar irradiance at the earth’s surface due to its interface with the atmosphere, which contains aerosols, clouds, trace gases, and water vapor that are temporal and vary geographically.

Solar irradiance is typically reduced by almost 90% atmospheric conditions on cloudy days and about 40% on clear, dry days. According to Solomon et al. (2007), solar irradiance on the earth’s surface is 198W/m2 on average.

The two primary components of solar irradiance striking the earth’s surface are: beam solar irradiance, which comes unswervingly from the sun’s disk, and diffuse irradiance, emanating from the whole of the sky other than the sun’s disk. The sum of these two components makes the global solar irradiance.

Some of the factors that determine the magnitude of solar energy used are metrological conditions, demands for energy services, and land availability. The assessment methodologies and the technical potential do vary geographically. As described by Krewitt et al. (2009). The solar electricity technical potential for photovoltaic (PV) cells and the concentrating solar power (CSP) plant depends on the future development of technology improvements, land use exclusion, and solar irradiance availability.


Module vulnerabilities Assignment

Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Trusted Platform Module Vulnerabilities. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

An abstract is required. In A hijacker’s guide to communication interfaces of the trusted platform module, Winter & Dietriech (2013) use already provided information as a methodology to study TPM. They use publicly available open-source Linux kernel contributions information to analyze the existing TPM interface. To access the internal registers of the I2C TIS TPM, the authors use the IC device address and the TPM specific internal register address. However, the problem is that in the current world, there is no approved and publicly available TCG standard that can be used for TPMs with I2C. This is an aspect that limits the findings of this article (Winter & Dietriech, 2013).

Varadharajan & Tupakula (2014) employ the attacker model as the methodology to study the vulnerabilities of TPM. The model uses the TPM attestation between the tenant virtual machine Attestation Provider (AP) and the customer Attestation Requestor (AR) before performing the transactions. To make it workable in the process of attestation, all hardware and software aspects in the trusted platform are measured using hash values when booting and measurements are stored securely in the prevention of modification. However, the problem with this attestation technique is it has the possibility of reducing the trust in the property attestation process and cause a scenario where AR cannot ascertain AP truly satisfies the properties that are presented to it. This shows the vulnerability of TPM (Varadharajan & Tupakula, 2014)

Parno (2012) uses techniques from secure multiparty computation, a protocol for verifiable computing to provide computational integrity for work done by an untrusted party. The protocol provides asymptotically optimal performance and needs a one-time preprocessing stage. In the methodology, O(|C|) is time, where C is the smallest known Boolean circuit computing F

Law homework help

Law homework help

Assignment Content

  1. Law homework help 1. After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This assignment allows you to explore sentencing options as you continue to think about the case your learning team worked on in Week 3. Read the ruling carefully and return to the case specifics in Week 3 if you need a refresher. Refer to How Courts Work: Steps in a Trial: Plea Bargaining from the American Bar Association website as you work on this assignment.The ruling for State v. Stu Dents is in and the defendant, your law firm’s client, was found guilty. As a paralegal, your task now is to help the attorney consider the sentencing options for the client and determine what to propose to the court.
  2. the Ruling on State v. Stu Dents. Use this information as the basis for your sentencing proposal.

    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word sentencing proposal in which you address the following:

    • Formulate 2 distinct sentencing arguments.
    • Identify the desired outcome of each punishment. Is a plea bargain a consideration? If so, what is that desired outcome?
    • Identify alternative and intermediate sanctions.
    • Explain how the Eighth Amendment influences the outcomes of this case.
    • Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
    • Threats to Emotional Objectivity Essay


    • Assignment 2
    • Consider a series of potential threats to your objectivity and write an essay response. Consider the following:
      1. How might your own social roles (e.g., son, daughter, mother, father, student, ex-husband or wife, caretaker, etc.) be a source of interference and loss of objectivity when encountering certain individuals or specific problems in your workplace? (Please be certain to discuss your specific faith belief system in this section, as that tends to be a significant part of one’s identity).
      2. Identify at least 2 “themes” or “issues” that arouse an emotional response (i.e., frustration, anger, disappointment, exasperation, overwhelming sadness, etc.) in you. For example, themes of emotional dependency, victimization, anger-management problems, irresponsibility, poor moral choices, authority, etc. Then discuss how these themes might interfere with your ability to remain objective while encountering a person presenting with similar concerns. Again, please comment on how this may or may not interfere with your faith beliefs. You may choose to use each of these three questions as separate subheadings in your essay.

      The essay should be 3-4 pages of text, plus a title page and reference page. No abstract needed. Paper should be in proper APA format. Please remember proper in-text citations. Please review the APA publication manual or Purdue OWL website as a resource

  • Why do you believe schedule issues often cause the most conflicts on projects. Why is it difficult to use project management software well? Discuss below three suggestions for improving IT project quality.

    · Strong Leadership

    · Understanding the cost of quality

    · Providing a good work place

    Note: 500 words with intext citations with 5 references must.

Jim Crow history term paper

Jim Crow history term paper .  Prepare and submit a paper on jim crow 1.0. Jim Crow 0 The term Jim Crow 0 is used to refer to the Jim Crow laws that were enacted during the period of 1890s and were finally repealed during the period of 1965.

The term is used in the current time period in order to distinguish it from a book called The New Jim Crow which is even recognized as Jim Crow 2.0. The Jim Crow laws that were enacted during the 1890s were discriminatory laws that were based on the notion that the African Americans and the White Americans were two different groups within the society of the United States but they needed to be treated the same way. Under these laws, the public places or the public assets of the United States were segregated between the African Americans and the White Americans. These laws were created to promote equal treatment of the African Americans, but the public assets that were allowed to be accessed by the African Americans were quite inferior to the ones that were allocated to the White Americans.

Jim Crow 2.0

Jim Crow 2.0 is the word used to refer to a book called New Jim Crow that was authored by Michelle Alexander during the period of 2010. The book is called Jim Crow 2.0 in order to differentiate from the Jim Crow laws of 1890s which are referred to as Jim Crow 1.0. The book called Jim Crow 2.0 was authored with the purpose of informing the society that things have not changed in the American society and the African Americans are still treated almost the same way they were treated under the Jim Crow Laws. The book proposes that institutional discrimination still exists in the American society but it has taken a much subtle form. The book argues that previously laws were created to explicitly discriminate against the African Americans. Now there are no such laws, but the practices of these institutions is still the same. For example: the African American members of the American society are quite commonly labeled as criminals and due to this they have access to inferior quality of housing, employment opportunities and other opportunities as compared to the White Americans of the society ( 1).


Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on childrens sexualisation in media.

Some entities define child sexualization as inducing adult sexuality on a child when one is not mentally, emotionally, and physically prepared for the same. In the current wave and culture, eroticized images form daily content as regards the consumerism orientation. This contributes to the detriment in the development of children in numerous ways.

To begin with, magazines and shows utilize such children in a direction that does not profess any meaningful value. Most magazines and production houses are always interested in the profits that they gain from presenting eroticized images (Ward 385). In this sense, they do not possess the intention of passing on values to such children. In most instances, magazines and shows will accrue substantial income at the expense of the children. Alternatively, they would pay parents, of such children, at the expense of the children who engage in respective adverts.

Shows and television programs run on quick and hefty schedules. In this perspective, they do not scrutinize individuals’ innermost feelings in having them for adverts. This scenario is worsened by the fact that parents and guardians mostly participate in the decision of having children as part of adverts and eroticized images. In this situation, most production entities would always present the glitzy and juicy elements of deals. This makes such children easily consent to the deals. This is comparable to a manipulative scenario whereby the beneficial details would bar respective children from making rational decisions. At a young age, children are not mentally mature to weigh options from a dual perspective. Their thinking would mostly orient towards instinctual views (Rivadeneyra, Ward, and Maya 265). This is worse when the media presents deals in ways that could easily appeal to the psychology of children.

In addition, the presentation, of children’s sexualized images in the media places such children at the platform of abuse. It is discernible that there have been stalkers of adult models who appear in fashion-oriented entities. Adults possess the advantage of evaluating situations and making rational decisions as pertains to their security.

Medical biotechnology and leadership

Medical biotechnology and leadership

Prepare and submit a paper on medical biotechnology and leadership

Prior to the commencement of any project, one must consider the external environmental factors that may affect its outcomes. In this case, the paper will be looking at the carcinogenic effects of heavy metals. Certain political players may have liaised with industrial leaders in their election processes. They may frown upon researches that link these businesses to a health problem. Conversely, those who are interested in protecting their constituents’ rights may use results from this study to make laws that protect the citizenry (Morrison, forthcoming).

Certain economic factors will also be relevant to this study. The project will rely on moderate external funding. This will come from the church around the study area. Such financial support will only be forthcoming if the economic environment in the country is favorable. Additionally, the sociological element in this study revolves around the problems faced by people who deal with heavy metal pollution. Persons in developing countries are exposed to heavy metals in fish, water, food, and their occupations. Therefore, the ability to obtain such samples will be dependent on getting cooperation from locals (Grundy, 2006).

The technological factors in the study project refer to the availability and ability to use scientific equipment needed. Knowledge of microscopy and immunofluorescence is critical in achieving this. Furthermore, the university already has these machines, so gaining access to them will be vital. There could be more advanced methods of studying DNA repair, so the researchers ought to familiarise themselves with these methods. Legal factors include the regulatory policies and laws that govern the disposal and exposure of the public to these heavy metals. If handlers of the materials are flouting laws, then this could be a legal problem (Turner, 2002).

Finally, the study has an&nbsp.environmental element to it. In this regard, it will focus on natural resources and how pollution is ruining them.

Homework 2

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Behavior Theory as as the Core Subject. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required

The theory states that a person’s behavior and activity govern the study of his/her mind, regardless of what they feel, express, anticipate, and believe. It explains that the behavior of a human being is based on the reinforcements or punishments which he/she experiences from the environmental stimuli. The actions of a person are not governed by his/her own mental desire, but the positive or negative experiences which he/she receives from the environment. According to R. F. Skinner (2011), the radical behavior of humans does not have any free will. All their actions are based on their previous experiences with the environment. The basic belief is that every person has a good nature. This theory is associated with specific interventions including self-monitoring, behavioral experiments, behavioral activation, and exposure therapy. Skill training is also one of the specific interventions associated with this theory.

Diverse populations comprise of different people in terms of culture, race, and ethnicity background. In this case, people’s behaviors are governed by their environments, responses, and experiences. It is paramount to take into consideration the fact that everyone has a different cultural background. They experience different stimuli which depend on their cultural and traditional values. Therefore, in the event that one is working with diverse populations, he or she has to adjust and understand the different environments in which different people live in. it is through this that one may be able to sufficiently operate in diverse populations. When it comes to behavior theory, there are no particular cultures, races, or ethnicities with which this theory might not work because most people develop their behavior according to the experiences which they receive from their surroundings. They only act according to what they desire, regardless of their past experiences.

Personal behavior is important in telling the needs of a client. Therefore, knowing and inquiring about their targets in life is a critical strategy in knowing their needs.

Distinguish Between Evolutionary Psychology and Sociobiology

Distinguish Between Evolutionary Psychology and Sociobiology

Prepare and submit a term paper on Distinguish Between Evolutionary Psychology and Sociobiology. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length.

At this stage, a majority of the individuals face an identity crisis and tend to think too much about what society will perceive their behaviors.

Stage three deals with individuals adapting to their homosexual status. The individuals, at this stage, have to live with the fact that, their needs, be it emotional or social have to be aligned with their being homosexual. It is also at this stage that individuals are left to choose whether to disclose their sexual orientation or keep it a secret.

Unlike the third stage, the fourth stage allows individuals to accept their status, as well as accept their being homosexuals. In stage five, the individuals develop identity pride and feel happy being identified with other individuals of their like. It is also at this stage that individuals tend to champion their rights as members of the community. Lastly, individuals develop identity synthesis that allows individuals to view heterosexuals as members of the community with their own opinion. Consequently, individuals attest to the fact that the world is not split into two groups.

Evolutionary psychologists indicate that the major reason behind human beings engaging in sexual behavior is to bring up offspring. Through the production of offsprings, the cycle of life continues, with genes of parents being passed on to future generations. On the other hand, evolutionary psychologists argue that the continuity of species is possible through stable reactions between two individuals. In this context, therefore, it is defensible to argue that long term relations are inevitable. as it is through, these relationships that both partners are likely to find their lifetime partners. The identification of a lifetime partner has been indicated to create a prolific ground for the existence and continuity of species.

Evolutionary psychology, argues that the involvement of parents in bringing up their children evolved from the fact.

Assignment 2

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic fear of flying

According to this research, most people did not employ an effective posttreatment flight to determine the results. The main problem emanated from the fact that it was difficult and costly to use real planes to study fear of flying (Rothbaum et al., 2000). This persists as a problem, although the number of those who fear flying is drastically increasing. It is a point of concern when many people are unable to fly because of ungrounded fear. This is the reason that propelled the researcher to dig deep into factors and consequences associated with fear of flying.

Forty-nine participants were chosen and randomly allotted to practical reality exposure therapy and the standard exposure treatment. This study included eight distinct sessions covering 6 weeks. Five participants with one therapist boarded the same plane after paying a subsidized fee. The introduction of air ticket was to scare away joyriders but give serious people a therapy session that could change their lives.

Anxiety management sessions took four full sessions alternated with either exposure to a practical airplane or a real plane at the air depot. The study also involved an actual posttreatment of passengers on a commercial plane. The interest was to determine the level of willingness of subjects to fly and determine the state of anxiety among the participants. The research uses the fear of flying rating tool on each participant.

The findings revealed that both Virtual reality exposure and standard exposure ranked higher than wait-list control. Additionally, there seemed to be no discernable difference between virtual reality exposure and standard exposure. As a way of harnessing the benefits of the study, there followed six months of observation. After the six-month posttreatment, much virtual reality exposures and standard exposure subjects had flown (Rothbaum et al., 2000). There was substantial support for virtual reality exposure and standard exposure as treatment modalities for fear of flying individuals.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses transcript of therapy session

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses transcript of therapy session

Patient: I don’t know!&nbsp. I’m scared to leave him.&nbsp. I’ve been with him since I was 16!&nbsp. That’s seven years!&nbsp. I don’t know what I would do without him!&nbsp.

Therapist: Do you love him?

Patient: I don’t know!&nbsp. I used to, but now I think I’m with him just because I’m too scared to leave him.&nbsp.

Therapist: What are you afraid of?

Patient: Being alone, having to make it on my own.&nbsp. What if I can’t do it?&nbsp.

Therapist: You’ve never been on your own before, and it’s natural to feel apprehensive.&nbsp. Everyone feels this way at first, but we all get over it, and so will you.&nbsp. You’re a smart young woman, and you will be just fine.&nbsp. You can make it on your own.&nbsp.

Patient: I don’t know if I can.&nbsp. We’ve been together for so long…

Therapist: It will seem difficult at first like all changes do, but you will begin to feel like things are getting easier day by day.&nbsp. And you don’t have to make such a big decision right this minute.&nbsp. We’re just talking right now so you can get a handle on what you’re feeling, OK?&nbsp.

Patient: OK.

Therapist: Let’s talk about the things you need.&nbsp. Do you think the two of you needed this break?&nbsp.&nbsp.

Patient: I don’t know. I guess so.&nbsp. We were fighting a whole lot, and I was feeling a bit smothered and taken for granted.&nbsp. Unappreciated.&nbsp. Maybe we did need a break.&nbsp.

Therapist: And have you been socializing during this break?&nbsp. You mentioned earlier that you haven’t been doing well in school in the past few days.&nbsp. Have you been interacting with your friends?&nbsp. Remember, I said that you need the support of your friends right now.

Patient: Talking to you about my problems is one thing because I know you won’t blab my business to everyone, but I don’t talk to people about my personal life.&nbsp.

Therapist: I can appreciate that, and you don’t have to tell people all your business to socialize with your friends.&nbsp. You don’t need to isolate yourself right now.&nbsp. Go to a movie or out to eat with some friends.&nbsp. It will do you good to be around supportive, encouraging people.&nbsp.

Patient: I don’t exactly feel like being around a bunch of happy people right now.&nbsp.

Therapist: I understand, but I still want you to spend some of your free time around your friends and focus on building positive, platonic relationships.&nbsp. Now let’s talk about what you want.&nbsp. We’ll start with something simple.&nbsp. Tell me what you want from your educational experience.&nbsp. Why did you decide to go back to school?&nbsp.

Sample Assignment

Write a 6 pages paper on global media assessment

The movies provided give brief descriptions of the effects of online activism. Thus, the section will give a description of the both negative and positive effects of online activism and a review of the movies watched.

The first effect of online activism is awareness. The first objective of online activism is to give information to the public through the internet. A massive population is reached with information since most people spend a lot of time on the internet. With several social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other sites attracting people to the internet, most people get information and activism messages. As a result, very many people will be mobilized, and they will be inspired to come up and support a certain program or a certain aspect of the project. This is much better off than when people have to be mobilized manually around the globe and convince them to support a certain project. At least online activism caters to a large group of people who are internet active (Pickerill 331).

However, online activism may cause harm to underage or may not reach a specific targeted group. For example, social sites on the internet being visited by all sorts of groups. A given project or program may be targeting individuals under 30 years, but when used on the internet, the information reaches even people who are older and younger. Here, there will be no target achieved, or additionally, maybe the program is meant for individuals who are above 18 years, but now that the social sites cover all ages, the information might be harmful to kids under 18 years. For example, programs dealing with sexual matters should not be publicized on the internet because kids might come across them.

The movies watched give great descriptions of the effects of online activism. For example, movie activists vs. activists give the effect of online activism as awareness. The movie was done by Tomas Whitmore and Julianne Waters on the effects of online activism on the public. Actually, the movie notes that several views are heard concerning activism and most people prefer online activism to any other form of activism, as it sounds cool. However, the science of translation involved has many errors. The Arabic movies actually had errors since the translations were not right at some point.