
Expansionary fiscal policy


ECON 312 Week 1 Quiz

1. Question: (TCO 6) Expansionary fiscal policy is so named because it

2. Question: (TCO 6) An economist who favors smaller government would recommend

3. Question: (TCO 6) The lag between the time and the need for fiscal action is recognized and the time the action is taken is referred to as the

4. Question: (TCO 5) The determinants of aggregate supply

5. Question: (TCO 6) Other things equal, a reduction in personal and business taxes can be…

6. Question: (TCO 6) The MPC can be defined as that fraction of a

7. Question: (TCO 6) The size of the MPC is assumed to be

8. Question: (TCO 5) Refer to the graph. Which of the following factors will shift AD1 to AD3?

9. Question: (TCO 6) The multiplier can be calculated as:

10. Question: (TCO 5) The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

11. Question: (TCO 5) What effect would each of the following have on aggregate……? Explain.

12. Question: (TCO 6) Why do some economists believe that tax cuts are critical to help revive…?

ECON 312 Week 3 Quiz

1. Question: (TCO 3) Economic profits are calculated by subtracting

2. Question: (TCO 3) To economists, the main difference between the short run and the long…

3. Question: (TCO 3) Economists would describe the U.S. automobile industry as

4. Question: (TCO 3) A purely competitive seller is

5. Question: (TCO 3) Which of the following is correct?

6. Question: (TCO 3) Confronted with the same unit cost data, a monopolistic producer….

7. Question: (TCO 3) Monopolistic competition means

8. Question: (TCO 3) Product variety is likely to be greater in

9. Question: (TCO 3) Which of the following is the best example of oligopoly?

10. Question: (TCO 3) Concentration ratios measure the

11. Question: (TCO 3) What is the LAW OF DIMINISHING RETURNS, and why is this law…?

12. Question: (TCO 3) Identify the primary characteristics of monopolistic competition….

ECON 312 Week 5 Quiz

1. Question: (TCO 6) Expansionary fiscal policy is so named because it

2. Question: (TCO 6) An economist who favors smaller government would recommend

3. Question: (TCO 6) The lag between the time and the need for fiscal action is recognized and the time the action is taken is referred to as the

4. Question: (TCO 5) The determinants of aggregate supply

5. Question: (TCO 6) Other things equal, a reduction in personal and business taxes can be…

6. Question: (TCO 6) The MPC can be defined as that fraction of a

7. Question: (TCO 6) The size of the MPC is assumed to be

8. Question: (TCO 5) Refer to the graph. Which of the following factors will shift AD1 to AD3?

9. Question: (TCO 6) The multiplier can be calculated as:

10. Question: (TCO 5) The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

11. Question: (TCO 5) What effect would each of the following have on aggregate……? Explain.

12. Question: (TCO 6) Why do some economists believe that tax cuts are critical to help revive…?

Maths Homework

As a manager of an organization, what statistics from this module would you use and why if you wanted to estimate your annual employee turnover? In your post, be sure to specifically identify the statistical formulas and what additional data you would need to determine your estimate(s). Be sure to also explain why the probability distribution applies.

Choose a probability distribution from this week:
Binomial (Section 5.4)
Poisson (Section 5.5)
Hypergeometric (Section 5.6)
Uniform (Section 6.1)
Normal (Section 6.2)
Exponential (Section 6.4)

The distributions in Chapter 5 are discrete and those on Chapter 6 are continuous.

This is for a discussion board not an essay. So it can be very short and to the point.

Federal State balance law homework

Federal State balance law homework


1. According to which school of thought is law the command of a sovereign?

2. According to the legal realist school of thought, _____.

3. The historical school of law _____.

4. A code-law system _____.

5. The _____ would use the law to overturn the hierarchical structures of domination in the modern society.

6. State and local courts must honor both federal law and the laws of the other states. Which of the following is true?

7. Which of the following about the federal court system is true?

8. Identify the correct statement about the Federal-State balance.

9. Which of the following principles implies that the same parties can not take up the same dispute in another court at another time?

10. Which of the following is true about alternative methods of resolving disputes?

11. Based on the supremacy clause, the _____ holds that state and federal laws that conflict must yield to the superior law, which is federal law.

12. Article I of the Constitution deals with _____.

13. The _____ clause of the Fifth Amendment ensures that the government does not take private property without just compensation.

14. When Congress uses its power under the commerce clause, it can expressly state that it wishes to have _____.

15. The power of small states is magnified by the Senate’s _____, which currently requires 60 out of 100 senators to vote to bring a bill to the floor for an up-or-down vote.

16. Which of the following is an ideal condition for a free market?

17. The _____ establishes an agency’s authority in a particular area of the economy.

18. The _____ governs all agency procedures in both hearings and rulemaking.

19. According to the Freedom of Information Act, _____.

20. An individual or a company may challenge agency action where such action is _____:

21. What are the multilateral treaties sponsored by an international agency known as?

22. In a contract, national or international, the parties may specify the court where any disputes between the parties will be settled. This specification is known as the _____.

23. The _____ doctrine comes into play when courts in two different nation states both have subject matter and personal jurisdiction over the matter.

24. The _____ is a tax imposed on goods when they enter a country.

25. The Supreme Court has enunciated a doctrine governing claims to recover for acts of expropriation. The doctrine is known as the doctrine of _____.

  • class=css-1j18aoo6 years ago


Intellectual Property and Technology

Intellectual   Property and Technology

Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Discussion 1

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Intellectual   Property and Technology

Internet domain names are linked to trademark issues. Technology makes it easy to copy and distribute music and movies without paying royalties.  Business conducted on the internet raise security and privacy issues.  What legal concerns are raised by these issues? Predict which of these issues will be of major concern in the future in regard to the law and business practices.
Guided Response: Review your peer’s posts. Respond to at least two of your classmates describing whether you agree with their predictions or if you see the issues differently. Explain.

Assignment 2

You are a senior auditor at the CPA firm of Aoife & Josephine, LLC. Your manager

(professor) calls you into her office to discuss the use of Tableau, data analytic and

visualization software, on an upcoming audit for a client. She highly suggests you learn

how to use Tableau to perform data analytics on sales revenue. Further, she suggests

you read the following articles to prepare for this audit:

• Cao, M., R. Chychyla, and T. Stewart. 2015. Big Data analytics in financial

statement audits. Accounting Horizons 29 (2): 423–429.


•Raphael, J. 2017. Rethinking the audit. Journal of Accountancy 223 (4): 28–32.


•On the ICAEW Website, you may download an excellent report: (2016). Data analytics for external auditors. [online] Available at:

data-analytics—web-version.ashx [Accessed 13 Jul. 2019].

III. Steps to Completion

Step 1: Read the articles recommended by your manager (professor) to gain an

understanding about how big data, data analytics, and new technologies are

transforming external audits.

Step 2: Read the case: Using Visualization Software in the Audit of Revenue

Transactions to Identify Anomalies, which is posted in LEO: Contents>Course

Resources>Projects & Rubrics.

Step 3: Review resources to learn how to use Tableau in Appendix A on the last page

of this document.Collaborate with your online discussion group to learn Tableau tips.

Step 4: Complete the case requirements that start on page 35 of Using Visualization

Software in the Audit of Revenue Transactions to Identify Anomalies.

Step 5: Complete one additional requirement not included in the case; an audio-

enhanced presentation or video of yourself presenting your findings.

Prepare a video or audio-enhanced PowerPoint presentation to present your

findings to your manager (professor) and audit team

Katharine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory


Katharine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

After reading chapters 21 and 22,  write a reflection, no more than one paragraph on Either Katharine kolcaba’s Comfort Theory or Joanne Duffy’s Quality -Caring Model.

Chapter 21 – Katharine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Chapter 22 – Joanne Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model

apa format 250 words

This week’s assignments include:

Reading Assignment – Section VI Middle Range Theories

Chapter 21 – Katharine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort was first developed in the 1990s. It is a middle-range theory for health practice, education, and research. This theory has the potential to place comfort in the forefront of healthcare. According to the model, comfort is an immediate desirable outcome of nursing care.

Web Link for additional information:

Video: Katharine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Part 1 – Introduction

Part 2 – Concept Analysis

Chapter 22 – Joanne Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model

The Quality-Caring Model exposes and demonstrates the value of nursing within the evidence-based practice milieu of modern health care. Relationships characterized by caring are theorized to influence positive outcomes for patients/families, health care providers, and health care systems.

Web Link for additional information:

Joanne Duffy’s Videos (3):

Part 1 of 3: Joanne Duffy, “Quality Caring in Nursing & Health Systems,” 2nd Edition

Part 2 of 3: Joanne Duffy, How Nurses Themselves Benefit From Quality Caring

Part 3 of 3: Joanne Duffy, Role of Quality Caring and Some Calls to Action

Assignment 2

Assignment: Well Woman Health Screenings

Please read the following two scenarios and choose ONLY ONE for your initial post; be sure to address all the questions posed and include at least three scholarly sources within your initial post.

Breast Cancer Screening

A 39-year-old female presents to your office for her annual well-woman exam. She reports that she has a maternal aunt and a cousin who have had breast cancer, so she does her self-breast exams every month. She would like to start getting mammograms, but her friends all say she doesn’t need to worry about a mammogram until she’s at least close to 50.

1. What are the mammogram recommendations from American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), American Cancer Society (ACS), and United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)?

2. What is meant by shared decision-making regarding screening for breast cancer?

3. What are the screening recommendations regarding self-breast exams and clinical breast exams?

4. Based on the scenario provided, what recommendations would you give this patient?

5. What factored into your decision making?

Cervical Cancer Prevention/Screening

An 18-year-old is accompanied by her mother for her first visit to the gynecologist. She has never been sexually active. She has no concerns with her menses. Her mom reports that she brought her in “because she is 18 and when I turned 18, I had to get my first Pap smear.” Her mother requests the patient have a Pap smear and be tested for HPV “just in case.” The patient is up to date on all vaccines “mandatory for school” but has never had the HPV vaccine.

1. What are the recommendations on the HPV vaccine?

2. How would you counsel this patient about the HPV vaccine?

3. What are the current ASCCP guidelines for Pap smears and HPV testing?

4. How will you explain the rationale to the patient and the mother?


– Please include at least 3 scholarly sources within your initial post.

– APA style.

– Turnitin Assignment (No plagiarism)

Note: My background for you to have as a reference: I am currently enrolled in the Psych Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program, I am a Registered Nurse. I work in a Psychiatric Hospital.

Write an informative essay

Assignment Overview: Write an informative essay

Take the time to think about your past speaking experiences. Were you nervous? What helped you get through this experience? Let’s write about it and discuss it.

Case Assignment

After reading and viewing the assigned material for Module 1, write a well-organized and well-supported essay in which you respond to the following:

1.       Share your public speaking experiences over the years—from childhood to the present day. Consider your experiences in front of an audience. This may include presentations, speeches, performance, theater, teaching, etc. Is speaking in public a talent of yours or is it outside of your comfort zone? Consider why you feel the way you do. What do you like or dislike about your voice, your delivery, your mannerisms, and non-verbal communication?

2.       Address also your role as an audience and listener. What sort of public speaking, presentations, life performances, etc., do you enjoy or not enjoy?

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph and guides your reader through the essay.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and closes the essay with a lasting impression.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins.

For this module’s Case, you may obviously write in the first person “I” as it is based on personal experience, although first person is not normally used in a formal essay.

Assignment Expectations

Write an informative essay (no less than two pages in length) outlining your background and feelings on public speaking, including a self-reflection on your own public speaking skills.

Communications Plan and Presentation

Assignment 2: Required Assignment 2—Communications Plan and Presentation

In M3: Assignment 2, you developed a communications policy that mapped the type of communications messages for a specific audience at a company. In this assignment, you will go a step further and create a communications plan for your selected company. Refer to your work in M3: Assignment 2.

For the same company you selected in Module 3, create a complete Communications Plan with an accompanying PowerPoint presentation for key stakeholder group(s). The Communications Plan should focus on a specific project or initiative to be implemented or event to be managed. The plan should describe the specific project to be implemented including the business problem or purpose, the specific objectives of the project, and the key stakeholder groups and their role in the initiative.

The Communications Plan for this initiative should include the following:

  • Goals and Objectives of the Communication Plan
  • Key Messages
  • Audience(s)
  • Media and Tools
  • Specific Tactics (describe the implementation)
  • Schedule/Timelines
  • Legal or ethical Issues
  • Monitoring/Control Strategy (during implementation)
  • Communications Strategy (to include communication of financial as well as ethical or value-based implications to various stakeholders)
  • Outcome Evaluation, including contribution to the mission of the organization

The following Web site can be used as a reference for the document to be created:

  • Bray, R. (2002). Spin works! Spin Academy. Retrieved from

Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Complete this assignment in two parts:

  • Create an 8–10-page report in Word format covering the points mentioned above. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2a.doc.
  • Develop a 10–12-slide PowerPoint presentation summarizing the key concepts and salient points of the plan. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2b.ppt.

By Wednesday, July 12, 2017, submit your assignment to the M5: Assignment 2 RA 2 Dropbox.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Created a complete, relevant communications plan focusing on a specific project or initiative to be implemented or event to be managed.


Explained the specific project to be implemented including the business problem or purpose, the specific objectives of the project, and the key stakeholder groups and their role in the initiative.


Examined in detail all relevant items listed for this assignment in the communications plan.


Developed an accompanying PowerPoint presentation with key concepts and salient points for key stakeholder group(s).


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Finance assignment help

Finance assignment help

Upon graduating from Argosy University with a degree in Finance, John Simple found a great job as a banking officer with Capital Two Bank in Dallas. Although he and his partner Joan had several college loans that required payments, their goal was to set aside funds for the next five years so that they could get out of the small apartment in Irving, Texas. After reviewing the listings in the areas surrounding DFW and speaking to their bosses about possible transfers, John and Joan decided upon Plano as their desired future location for a home.

Based on house prices they received from a local realtor, they determined that the home they needed currently costs around $178,000 which includes 2% closing costs. To avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance, John and Joan need to make a down payment of 20%. Since they are saving for the potential purchase, it will be five years before they buy the home. This gives them time to save for the down payment, moving, and furniture costs, which they estimate will be 10% more than the required down payment. They also expect home prices in Plano to continue to increase each year at 2.5% per annum rate as presented by their realtor.

John, being the finance graduate, wanted to adequately prepare for their future purchase and told Joan that he would take all this information and present an overview of how much would be required once their estimated purchase date became a reality. In addition, John would show how much money they needed to save each month in their house investment account at E-Trade, which averages 5% annual return.


Write a 2–3-page paper where you answer the questions above. Make sure you identify the question and then respond showing all calculations using math or Excel functions.

  1. What is the estimated purchase price of the home in 5 years?
  2. How much would need to be saved for the down payment?
  3. How much would need to be saved for closing, moving, and furniture costs?
  4. Considering that they have $10,000 already saved (half of which was provided by Joan’s parents as a wedding gift), how much money do they need to save each month to reach their goal?
  5. Suppose John could change investment plans at E-Trade and earn an additional 1.5% per annum without additional risk, how much money do they need to save each month to reach their goal? How much in investment dollars would they save by increasing their investment percentage?

Submission Details:

If you use Microsoft Excel, please attach a copy of your worksheet so your instructor can review the work. In addition, explain the theory used in solving this case using no less than 2 outside references. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Kebedetch and Ms. Larson case study

Kebedetch and Ms. Larson case study

The school day ended. Tired Ms. Larson took her classroom problems home with her. She shared her concerns at an

informal cocktail party, particularly her frustration with teaching English in the Ethiopian government school. “For three years, I’ve tried to get these girls to behave like normal human beings, to have some pride, to hold up their heads, look me in the eye, and answer a question in a voice I can hear without straining. They’re so bright; they learn as fast as the children back home, but they have no dignity. For all the good I’ve done here, I might as well have stayed home in Iowa.”

The school day ended. Kebedetch walked stiffly home. The strange steel she had forced into her neck muscles seemed to have spread throughout her body. She felt rigid, brave, and frightened. Entering the gojo (small house or hut), Kebedetch was greeted warmly. Father asked the usual, daily question: “What did you learn today?” Kebedetch threw back her head, looked her father in the eye, and proclaimed in a loud, clear voice, “Ethiopia is composed of twelve provinces plus the Federated State of Eritrea. . . .”

Momma and Poppa talked late that night. What had happened to Kebedetch? She was no longer behaving as a normal human being.

“Did you notice how she threw back her head like a man?” asked Poppa. “What has happened to her shyness as a woman?”

“And her voice,” added Momma. “How happy I am that our parents were not present to hear a daughter of ours speak with the voice of a foreigner.”

“She showed no modesty; she seemed to feel no pride. If she were normal, she would be ashamed to raise her head like that, being a girl-child, and to speak so loudly,” Poppa added with a deep sigh.

“Kebedetch has learned so much,” said Momma. “She knows more than I, and this has given me great joy. But if her learnings are making her a strange, ungentle, beast-like person, I do not want her to learn more. She is my only daughter.”

Poppa pondered. Finally he shook his head and spoke. “You are right, Mebrat; our daughter must not return to school. The new education is not good, and only the strongest can survive. I had hoped Kebedetch could learn and remain normal and gentle, could become a woman of dignity. The frightening behavior of hers tonight has convinced me. She has lost her sense of pride, lost her sense of shame, lost her dignity. She must not return to the school. We shall try to help her find herself again.”

1.  What specific nonverbal behaviors did Kebedetch’s parents find objectionable? What meanings had Ms. Larson ascribed to these behaviors? What meanings had Momma and Poppa ascribed to these behavior?

2.  Within this story, what cultural information (values, attitudes, and expectations about parenting, education, etiquette, behavior of men and women, etc.) about the U.S. and Ethiopia is communicated through the words of Ms. Larson, Momma, and Poppa?

3.  Should certain changes be made if Kebedetch is to return to school? If yes, describe the changes that should be implemented. If not, think of any consequences that might occur as a result.

4. Was Ms. Larson teaching her Ethiopian students something valuable? What did she fail to take into consideration? How could she have prevented Kebedetch’s withdrawal from her classes?

Sexual harassment law assignment

Sexual harassment law assignment

In the last few weeks as a human resources (HR) consultant at Elora Jean & Co., you have reviewed several issues, made recommendations, and developed policies. In addition to the issues previously reviewed, the owner has advised you of the following situation:

A charge was recently filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) by an employee. The charge states that two female employees in one of the nonunion satellite offices were subject to repeated and unwelcome sexual advances by their male supervisor. The charge further states that the two women previously complained to the supervisor’s immediate superior, letting him know that they felt uncomfortable and would like the behavior to stop. The harassment did not stop; rather, it continued over a period of 3 months. At that point, the female employees decided that the company would not help. They decided to file a claim with the EEOC, stating they were being sexually harassed at work.

The owner is certain that the company can put together a response that will clear it of the charge, and she asked if you felt they had a strong case. You state that you are not legal counsel for Elora Jean & Co.; however, you request permission to investigate the claim before giving your thoughts on the company’s documentation for legal defense.

Given your knowledge of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, you are concerned with Elora Jean & Co.’s ability to defend the EEOC charge. You plan to engage in your own investigation into the claim to learn more about the complaints made, who had knowledge, what type of investigation was conducted (if any), and what actions were taken. As part of your investigation, you learn that Elora Jean & Co. does not have any policies or procedures relating to sexual harassment in the workplace.

You need to address and advise the owner of Elora Jean & Co. on courses of action. Present your evaluation in a written memo to the owner. As you prepare your strategy for investigating the claim, consider the following:

  • What is the legal definition of sexual harassment?
  • What investigation process should Elora Jean & Co. have engaged in when the claims were first made? Why will that be important to the defense of the EEOC charge?
  • What is the legal liability for Elora Jean & Co. if the EEOC investigation finds the charge to be factual with employer knowledge of the events? Consider the options of mediation versus litigation with regard to organizational cost.
  • What elements would you recommend be included in a sexual harassment policy?
  • What should Elora Jean & Co. do to prevent this type of charge in the future?
  • Research and briefly summarize a recent case of sexual harassment that was won by the employee. Provide information relating to the financial outcome of the case.
  • What implications does the Civil Rights Act of 1991 have for employers?
  • What are your overall recommendations for the owner with regard to preparing a response to the EEOC charge?

Film and theatre homework help

Film and theatre homework help

must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

Part A

In this first portion of the assignment you are asked to analyze the iconography of the artworks listed below. Defined in the textbook, iconography is an understanding of the subject matter and symbols of an artwork (Stokstad and Cothern, 2016, pg. 6).  Based on your understanding of the cultures and time periods you have encountered over the past 4 lessons of textbook readings, analyze the following artworks in terms of their iconography.

1.      Adam and Eve, Albrecht Dürer, 1504. Engraving. Located on page 357 of the textbook.

2.      The Founding of Tenochtitlan page from the Codex Mendoza, Aztec, 1545 CE. Located on page 411 of the textbook.

3.      The Hip Pendant Representing an Iyoba (“Queen Mother”), Nigeria, c. 1550 CE. Located on page 433 of the textbook.

4.      Tar Beach, Faith Ringgold, 1988. Acrylic on canvas, and pieced cloth. Located on page 572 of the textbook.

Part B 

Compare and contrast the function of the above works. Focus your analysis on how each artwork functioned spiritually and/or politically in their original context. Your discussion should include the importance of the artwork at the time of its creation for the viewer at that time. For instance, you could address issues such as, was the artwork used as a visual teaching of a concept, was it used as an historical record to document an event? Compare and contrast the function of the four artworks and distinguish the connections that can be made, pointing out patterns you find.

Conclude your essay with a short discussion on the use of symbols in the 21st century to communicate, applying what you learned regarding the use of symbolic imagery throughout the centuries of art studied in the past 4 weeks. (Think of advertising logos or emojis etc. when considering 21st century examples.)

Assignment two

profit shares in a retail channel are often negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Is a 50% profit share enough for the CLV per customer in the retail channel to match the subscription CLV for Dollar Shave Club?

·   What would be the minimum profit share to match the CLV of the subscription model?

·      The proposed change in distribution moves DSC from a subscription-based, direct, eCommerce channel to a transaction-based, indirect, brick-and-mortar channel. What are THREE important benefits and THREE important drawbacks of this change? Explain your answers

Use Info below to Solve

Please use the retention-based formula for customer lifetime value Clv=(P-C)*q*r/1+i-r-AC

Info for current customer Monthly revenue per customer P=8 Monthly cost=4.50 Monthly purchase per year Q=12 Yearly retention R =83%

Join Us referrals p=8 c=4.50 Monthly purchases per year Q=12 R rate =84%

Orginal referral P=8 Monthly cost c=4.50 Monthly purchases per year Q=12 R rate =80$

·     (Q2.1)How much value would DSC gain from each of the two referral types described above? Based on the expected proportion of each type, how much value should DSC expect any given referral to create for them on average?

·     (Q2.2) DSC’s current promotional activities require $60 of spending to acquire a new subscriber. Would spending $60 per referral be more or less profitable (in terms of total CLV created) than DSC’s current promotions? What would be the maximum amount of spending per referral to match the value of other promotional spending?

·     (Q2.3)Strengthening DSC’s relationships with current customers could provide many potential benefits aside from a change in retention rates. Identify and explain THREE other benefits DSC might gain from strengthening these relationships.