Successful implementation of an MTSS
Successful implementation of an MTSS
Gathering together staff at most schools and announcing that they must stop the school-wide intervention model they have been implementing and start a new one would most likely elicit a harsh response. Many school-wide intervention models have been created and attempted with varying degrees of success and acceptance. It is only human nature that after a while, the receptivity dims. As a special education leader, what competencies will you need in order to overcome resistance to change?
For this Discussion, you will assume the role of the Special Education Leader in which you were given the responsibility of implementing a multi-tiered system of support in the high school featured in the media. Although this school has begun implementing RtI, it has not been operationalized or supported on a consistent basis. Staff is confused by what an MTSS is and how it would function in their school.
To prepare
· Review the module Learning Resources. Focus on leadership competencies needed for successful implementation of an MTSS. Review the rubric from the Colorado Department of Education.
· Review “RtI Meeting: High School” media. Consider the leadership competencies being demonstrated by each individual.
A brief summary analyzing the leadership competencies you would need to operationalize an MTSS at the high school featured in the media segment. Based on the media, what leadership competencies are most critical to foster collaboration and successful implementation of MTSS based on the school’s culture? Consider the team meeting goes terribly wrong. What competencies do you need to foster collaboration and successful implementation of an MTSS? Reference the team from the media segment as well as your readings to provide a rationale for your response.
A reflection to the following: Given the media segments, case study scenarios, and module Learning Resources reviewed within this course, what leadership competencies and actions would be needed to implement an MTSS and sustain the system over time at your local school or district, and why?
Learning Resources
Brown-Chidsey, R. & Bickford, R. (2016). Practical handbook of multi-tiered systems of support: Building academic and behavioral success in schools. New York, NY: Guildford Press.
- Chapter 6, “The Essential Role of Teams in Supporting All Students” (pp. 51–60)
- Chapter 7, “The Logistics of Setting Up and Running Effective School Teams” (61–70)
- Chapter 17, “Treatment Integrity” (pp. 169–175)
Colorado Department of Education Implementation Rubrics
Fidelity of Implementation Tools: School-Level Rubric. Reprinted by permission of Colorado Department of Education.
Required Media
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012b). RtI meeting: High school [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 13 minutes.
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Part 2
Meaning-Making Forums 1-4 are this course’s unique final project. Be fully engaged in Phase Two! After reviewing the readings, presentations, lecture notes, articles, and web-engagements, and previous assignments, artificially move your predetermined careseeker (i.e., Crossroads’ Careseekers: Bruce, Joshua, Brody, Justin, or Melissa) through Phase Two.
NOTE: These research-based forums require that you draw upon ALL of the required course readings and learning activities to date, in order to substantively develop each phase in our Solution-based, Short-term, Pastoral Counseling (SbStPC) process. Make every effort to be attentive to our Solution-Based Short-term Pastoral Counseling handout. Be noticeably attentive to our Overarching Directive as you support each core assertion.
- Rapport and Relational Alignment. Briefly discuss how you will continue to build rapport and shift your relational style in order to best align with the careseeker’s style (i.e., use DISC language) and current behavioral position (i.e., attending, blaming, or willing).
- Phase Two Distinctive Features. Narrate movement of careseeker through Phase Two’s distinctive features (i.e., purpose, goal, chief aim, role/responsibility, use of guiding assumptions) and apply pertinent insights and techniques from ALL the readings, previous assignments, and the Bible.
- Supportive Feedback Break. What portrait, definition(s), key thought(s), and/or assessment insight from the Quick Reference Guide might be utilized in the supportive feedback technique?
- Phase Two Marker. Describe a marker that indicates you have collaboratively ‘imagineered” a picture of life without the problem. In what way does this marker indicate the careseeker is in a willing position and ready for Phase Three?
- Food for Thought: When learning a new people skill or counseling technique, is it normal to “feel” awkward and fake? Use at least 1 example and thoughtfully explain how this “feeling” might be normalized.
- Carefully Follow Meaning-Making Forum Guidelines & Tips!
- Make sure to use headings (5) so that the most inattentive reader may easily follow your thoughts.
- Use the annotated outline approach. Bullets should have concise, complete, well-developed sentences or paragraphs.
- Foster a “noble-minded” climate for investigating claims via well-supported core assertions (i.e., consider the validation pattern of the Bereans; Acts 17:11). Noticeably support assertions to facilitate reader’s further investigation and to avoid the appearance of plagiarism. Follow current APA standards or Turabian form.
- Make every effort to prove that you care about the subject matter by proofreading to eliminate grammar and spelling distractions.