Review and critique the work of at least two other classmates. Remember the questions you have answered and apply the same criteria to the work you assess

Assignment 2: Discussion Assignment

Critical Assessment

Create and post for discussion at least three pieces of work that you intend to include in your portfolio (at least two of those pieces must be your work product). The instructor and your classmates will evaluate portfolio pieces individually. For each of the pieces you have selected, answer the questions listed on the Portfolio Question Table.

Post the table along with your files in the Discussion Area by Monday, May 15, 2017. (You can zip any large files.)

Name your files AUO_IST495_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.

Review and critique the work of at least two other classmates. Remember the questions you have answered and apply the same criteria to the work you assess. Be detailed and specific. Offer real insight regarding the concept, solution, and craftsmanship. Use the correct vocabulary and post all critiques to the Discussion Area. Conclude your discussions by the end of the module.

Support your answers with appropriate research, reasoning, and examples.

Cite all sources in APA format.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Submitted at least three pieces for inclusion in the portfolio (at least two of those pieces must be your work product).


Prepared a statement for each piece, based on the 5-question outline in the Portfolio Question Table.


Critiqued and discussed at least two other classmates’ work by using the 5-question outline in the Portfolio Question Table.


Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using APA format.

