research paper on uk recorded music industry. Needs to be 8 pages.

Need an research paper on uk recorded music industry. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. In 2001, four largest music companies in the world (British EMI among them) tried to combat the piracy by developing new software program that made impossible for online users to copy CD to internet. In spite of the fact that many analysts claimed that this step would reduce the quality of recording, the companies nevertheless implemented this program as they were resolved to fight online piracy by new technological means. Online sharing of music and video files had been one of the huge problems for music industry since the end of the 20th century, as such companies as Napster that distributed music files for free, gained popularity. Despite the fact that Napster’s activities were curbed, online files sharing was still widespread at the beginning of 2001. New files-sharing systems, such as MusicCity and Kazaa were used by online users instead of Napster. Many specialists and analysts insisted that online sharing could be effectively combated by selling music files through online legal subscriptions of major recording companies, yet such services of recording companies had many drawbacks as it was still impossible to copy digital files to CDs as well as portable devices.