Research and determine optimized web page layout dimensions based upon current browser usage statistics. The layout dimensions should be used on each page.
ITEC 3280 Web Programming – Final Project
In this project, you will a dynamic, data-driven faculty/staff directory data management web app using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL database. The application must incorporate best practices and standards for a Web-based information system.
Part I – MySQL Database (20pts)
By using phpMyAdmin in the XAMPP, a MySQL database (named ‘directorydb’) with the following tables. The last step in the Final Project is to Export your database, complete with test/sample data, so that I can use it to test your application. Don’t forget your Export at the end!
1. Departments
The Departments table contains information about the different departments at the University.
Department ID (INT, PK, auto-incrementing, deptID)
Name (VARCHAR(50), deptName)
Phone Number (VARCHAR(20), deptPhone)
Email (VARCHAR(50), deptEmail)
Office Location (VARCHAR(100), deptOffice)
Then add some fictitious data to populate the table. Just a few records will do.
2. Persons
The persons table contains properties of the faculty/staff member in the directory. Faculty/Staff are assigned to one department.
Person ID (INT, PK, auto-incrementing, persID)
Email Address (VARCHAR(50), persEmail)
Password (VARCHAR (50), persPassword)
First Name (VARCHAR(50), persFName)
Last Name (VARCHAR(50), persLName)
Phone Number (VARCHAR(20), persPhone)
Office Location (VARCHAR(100), persOffice)
Department (INT, persDept)
Then add some fictitious data. The persDept field in Persons table will be an integer value from sample department data you added in step one. If you use an integer value that cannot map to the Departments table you may have problems below. Add at least 5 people to your directory.
Part II – Web Development (HTML and CSS) (20 pts)
This web application will consist of four web pages. Each page will need to meet the following requirements:
1. Research and determine optimized web page layout dimensions based upon current browser usage statistics. The layout dimensions should be used on each page.
2. Use CSS techniques (no tables or frames) to a page layout template. This template should be used for each page.
3. The document must conform to HTML 5 and CSS standards. Use the W3C validator! ( and the CSS validator (
4. Site must be tested for accessibility issues to conform to section 508 and W3C accessibility guidelines using the instructor’s specified tool.
Part III – Web Scripting (PHP and JavaScript) (60 pts)
Create the following pages based on the HTML/CSS template created in part II. Add the following PHP/JavaScript functionality:
5. login.php
a login page that requires the user to input an email address and password. When the “Login” button is clicked, the input is validated against the values stored in the “persons” table. If the email and password is incorrect, error messages are displayed on the page. If the email and password are correct, the user is redirected to dashboard.php. In addition, the login page contains a ‘register’ link so that a new user can register. If the register link is clicked, the user is redirected to register.php.
6. dashboard.php
a dashboard.php page that generates 2 lists of the following information using appropriate HTML controls; the report should show all the fields in the database for each entity.
1. Listing of all the Departments w/ an Edit button/link for each that, when clicked, goes to department.php. Pass the deptID value via querystring for which was clicked for later use.
2. Listing of all the People in the Directory with their respective department names in plain-text. An SQL INNER JOIN keyword will help you draw the relationship through persDept and deptID.
7. register.php
a new faculty/staff register page that contains appropriate HTML form controls to allow the user to input the following user data. Each input should have an associated <label> tag.
Email Address – textbox
Password – textbox with type=”password”
First Name – textbox
Last Name – textbox
Phone Number – textbox
Office Location -textbox
Department – dropdown list (<select>). The value of the <option> tag should be the deptID and the user should see the plain-text from deptName. These should be generated via the database and not hard-coded in.
Submit Button
When the submit button is clicked, a javascript function is called to validate the user input. The javascript validation routine should ensure that all fields are required/input, password is at least 8 characters in length, and email should contain the ‘@’ and at least one dot (‘.’). (You may use the following simple email regular expression,