Report Topics: What are the dimensions of environmental uncertainty? Focus on the dimensions of environmental uncertainty and its degree of complexity, or the number of different factors in the environment.

Report Topics:
What are the dimensions of environmental uncertainty?
Focus on the dimensions of environmental uncertainty and its degree of complexity, or the number of
different factors in the environment. An environment is typically classified as relatively simple or
complex. Also highlight on the rate of change in and among these factors. An environment is typically
classified as stable or dynamic. In your report, remember that the most challenging and uncertain
situation is an environment that is both complex and dynamic. High-uncertainty environments require
flexibility and adaptability in organizational designs and work practices, as well as an ability of decision
makers to respond quickly as new circumstances arise and new information becomes available.
The executive summary should
 Outline what the problems are presented by this case study and the related theory.
 Clearly indicate the solutions you feel appropriate for the topic.
Formatting notes
 It must be 6 A4 pages in length
 font should be 12 point in a business style such as Verdana, Trebuchet, courier etc.
 report must be fully Justified (Ctrl J)
 typed in 1.15 spacing with headings (if deemed necessary)
Report notes
 The style of the report, is a report on the research around the topic mentioned above for
Introduction to Management/Management Principles 2.
 Reports are to be delivered in frame of:
o Report what the topic is about
o Discuss what you see the underlying issue/s to be
o How did this report topic relate to the theory or theories?
o What do you think the solution/s might be?
o Final recommendations and roundup of the issue.
 You can do the report individually or in a group of maximum 3 students.
 Each team member MUST contribute to be assessed.
 The weight of this report is 40% of your final grade.
Submit a soft copy through Turnitin file in MYLMS and email in Week 7