Prof. A


Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word rough draft of the fifth chapter of your master’s thesis, the discussion chapter. 


“The second section in Chapter Five is the Discussion (this section usually


does not have a level heading). One way to organize this section is to use


the three parallel ladders strategy. Write the discussion of the results or findings


in the same order they were reported in Chapter Four. For example,


if you reported quantitative data for various measurement instruments in


Chapter Four, then the discussion for each measurement instrument would


be written as a subsection in Chapter Five (see Figure 9.1 for the three parallel


ladders strategy for Chapters Four and Five). Similarly, if you reported


qualitative data by major themes or patterns, then the discussion for each


major theme or pattern would be a subsection in Chapter Five. Finally, if


you reported qualitative data by research questions, then the discussion for


each research question would be a subsection in Chapter Five.


In the discussion for each subsection, include a summary of the major


findings and a brief interpretation of the findings. This section is usually


difficult for students because for the last four chapters, you were asked to


minimize your personal interpretations of the findings. I usually receive first


drafts of this section that look exactly like what was reported in Chapter


Four because students do not feel like they have anything “new” to add


or permission to discuss their interpretation of the results. Remember, you


have already reported the results in Chapter Four, so you do not need to


repeat that information here. Instead, report a summary or synthesis of the major results. The summary should help to answer the research questions.


If appropriate, you can include the research questions here as a reminder


for yourself and the reader.


After the summary of the major results, provide a brief interpretation


of the results. For this process, ask yourself, “What factors from the


study could have contributed or influenced these results?” This is where


the “interpretation” part comes in except that the “interpretation” is not


based on pure conjecture. Instead, it is based on your knowledge of what


occurred during the research study.”




I also added an extra $20 to complete a short abstract as well. The instructions for the abstract are below.




“The next page is the abstract. The abstract is a brief (usually between


150 to 250 words) summary of the thesis. While it is brief, the abstract


should also be comprehensive in describing the purpose, participants,


methods, and major results/conclusions. The title “Abstract” is centered,


but the text is flushed to the left margin.”




Again this is a continuation of the past assignments.