problem eulers number e can be estimated using following formula e 1 11 12 13
Problem: Euler’s number, e, can be estimated using the following formula: e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + 1/5! + 1/6! + … Ask the user to enter a maximum desired difference between the estimate above and the value of Euler’s number from math.h. Be sure to validate that the desired difference is greater than zero. Example Execution #1: Enter desired difference: 0.005 Requested maximum difference: 0.0050000000 Term Estimate Math.h Difference —- ———— ———— ———— 1 1.0000000000 2.7182818285 1.7182818285 2 2.0000000000 2.7182818285 0.7182818285 3 2.5000000000 2.7182818285 0.2182818285 4 2.6666666667 2.7182818285 0.0516151618 5 2.7083333333 2.7182818285 0.0099484951 6 2.7166666667 2.7182818285 0.0016151618