Pretend that you Interviewed a nurse executive. Use the interview guide you created. Write an interview summary or transcript of the interview you conducted with a nurse executive. Write an interview self-assessment summary of your interviewing performance in addition to what you might do differently next time

  1. Review the literature and credible internet sources for information on the role and responsibilities of a nurse executive. Create a table of the top ten sources reviewed. Provide a summary description of the information from each source. – Sources table including sources reviewed and summary descriptions for each source.
  2. Use the information you gathered during your literature review to develop an interview guide. Your interview guide should include one ‘Grand Tour’ question and 10 additional questions related to the role and responsibilities of a nurse leader. Your ‘Grand Tour’ question should be open-ended and designed to set the tone for a conversational interview. Based on the nurse executive’s response to this question, your remaining questions may be different than those you planned to ask. Creating the guide is intended to prepare you for the interview; it should not be used during the interview as a Q&A list. – Sources table including sources reviewed and summary descriptions for each source
  3. write each question that you asked during the interview. Then, below each question, write a summary of your interviewee’s responses. At the end of this summary transcript, include your perceptions of the interview, discuss any challenges you faced, and describe what you might do differently to prepare and conduct interviews in the future.
  4. Pretend that you Interviewed a nurse executive. Use the interview guide you created. Write an interview summary or transcript of the interview you conducted with a nurse executive.
  5. Write an interview self-assessment summary of your interviewing performance in addition to what you might do differently next time
  6. Learn about a nurse who has administrative responsibilities and how they manage daily tasks. Describe a typical day for an administrative nurse. Write a observations reflection on lessons learned during your observations regarding a “typical day for an administrative nurse
  7. Research professional organizations that offer certifications in nursing leadership roles (e.g. AONL, AACN, ANCC). Download information on test content outlines, competencies, essentials, etc. that relate to the knowledge, skills, and attributes of nursing leaders…Executive summary of the characteristics, competencies, primary responsibilities, education, experience, and skills required for the role of a nurse executive. For organizations that provide this information in list form online (e.g. test content outlines, essentials, etc.), refer the reader to the site for information by including the link in your executive summary. Write an executive summary of key points on the characteristics, competencies, primary responsibilities, education, experience, and skills required for the role of a nurse executive. This should be no more than a two-page paper.