prepare and submit a term paper on Ways Of Treatment Schizophrenia. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Ways Of Treatment Schizophrenia. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. Symptoms of Schizophrenia can be positive, negative or cognitive. Positive symptoms are those symptoms possessed by the patient that normal people do not exhibit (Coon et al, 2010). The first is delusions, which are false beliefs that are not sensible taken in the context of the patient’s culture. Hallucination is another positive symptom, which involves false sensory experiences with no basis in the external environment. They occur when one is fully awake and sober. They include visual, sensory, auditory and ocular hallucinations. Disorganized speech is also prevalent in Schizophrenic cases with words linked together without reference to language rules based on puns, rhymes and sounds. Finally, the patient also undergoes catatonic behavior whereby their behavior is not goal-directed and is nonsensical in the context, for example, laughing at inopportune moments for no reason.

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia are those traits that are reduced or absent in the patient (Coon et al, 2010). They include a flattened effect where they appear emotionless and show little response to disturbing images or situations. The patients also undergo anhedonia where they fail to express or experience pleasure in activities they once enjoyed. They also have reduced speech and a lack of initiative, also known as avolition. The cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia involve the manner in which a person thinks (Coon et al, 2010).