prepare and submit a term paper on Aspects of Drug Addiction.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Aspects of Drug Addiction. Your paper should be a minimum of 2000 words in length. Addiction also creates a desire to increase dose among users. Drug addicts can even compromise their lives to obtain their drugs. Addiction depends on individual physiology and not exposure to drugs or the formation of behavior. This essay will analyze factors that make drug addiction to be more of a medically oriented problem that a psychological problem. The essay will also instigate different aspects of addiction such as signs as addiction and symptoms.

The number of people currently suffering from drug addiction is overwhelming. This is because most addicts do not admit that they have a drug problem. In addition, some drug users use their drug in isolation without informing even their closest relatives about their behaviors. Such cases are only realized when it is too late to administer any effective treatment for the person or rehabilitation. According to a survey carried out in the United States concerning drug users, nearly 23.6 million people aged above 12 years are currently addicted to alcohol and illicit drugs (Elsner, 2005). This figure accounts for 9.3 percent of the United States population within the age group. Alcohol is the most abused substance and it is responsible for 41% of the total number of addicts. From the survey, heroin and other related drugs took third position accounting for nearly 20% of the total addicts. Marijuana addicts constituted the remaining percentage. This survey showed a direct relationship between an individual’s age and their age group. The survey results also reflect drug addiction situation in other parts of the world. A refinement on the survey results indicated that people aged between 15 and 35 years are the most affected. Most people believe that drug addiction is a behavioral problem that results from continued exposure to a given substance. This hypothesis assumes that the youths are more exposed to drugs than people are from other age brackets.&nbsp.