prepare and submit a paper on differing learning styles. Learning Styles Submitted: Learning Styles Learning styles vary from each other due to several factors including race, gender, sex and culture.
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on differing learning styles. Learning Styles Submitted: Learning Styles Learning styles vary from each other due to several factors including race, gender, sex and culture. Three students from my class have different learning styles, Sarah is a visual learner, James is a verbal learner and Adeel is a vocal learner. Sarah being a visual learner and finds it easy to learn though visual learning materials such as pictures, graphs, charts and handouts. James being verbal learner finds it easy to learn by reading books and lecture notes, and experiences difficulty in analyzing and studying graphs and charts and other visual learning resources. This learning style is mostly exhibited by potential teachers and professors as teachers and professors are observed to find ease in teaching these kinds of students. Adeel being a vocal learner finds it easier to learn through vocal lectures given by teachers, he listen to them very carefully and absorb information that is provided to them through aural teaching. He even takes participation in discussions with other classmates and he can comfortably adjust in any student groups and teams.
As proposed earlier, culture, race, ethnicity, gender are certain factors due to which the learning styles of these students vary from each other. For example: James is a male students and is more tech savvy and he can easily learn through presentations and computer aided learning material, while on the other hand Sarah is a girl and lacks in the area of learning through technology and she needs somebody to instruct her properly and help her understand different material thus she face difficulty in learning through technological resources. Teachers even face difficulty in teaching students that have different learning styles as certain student learn through certain methods (Robins, 2006, p.110). Thus teachers should construct teaching methods that can be help students from different backgrounds learn the same thing easily.
Robins, K. N. (2006). .Culturally proficient instruction: A guide for people who teach. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press.