prepare and submit a paper on data analysis for concrete using expanded class as lightweight aggregate. The reason for performing the test regarding the compressive strength is for determining the concrete specimen’s suitability for the industrial application by comparing the precise stress readings against the specified standards by the American organization for Testing and Materials.
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on data analysis for concrete using expanded class as lightweight aggregate. The reason for performing the test regarding the compressive strength is for determining the concrete specimen’s suitability for the industrial application by comparing the precise stress readings against the specified standards by the American organization for Testing and Materials.
The entire test also dwells on the evaluation of the quantity of force that is needed to break the concrete specimen. The test will encompass the placement of a cylinder on the machine testing compressor whereby force will be exerted to the cylinder up to a moment when it breaks. The calculation of the compressive strength is therefore done on the basis of the applied stress, as well as the size of the used cylinder.
To determine the rate of water absorption, the cube concrete samples with dimensions of around (100 x 100 x 100 mm) were prepared. The specimens were then stored at the ultimate temperatures of around 23 degrees in a laboratory. On the casting day, the specimens were primarily de-molded and stored in three diverse drying conditions that included the distilled water that was sealed and air-cured for one day. To determine the concrete’s absorption capacity, various water absorption tests were undertaken. They were entirely preconditioned in an oven for a day and then cooled down in a desiccator for another additional day in order to achieve a steady moisture level.
To accomplish this test, the sample is consequently dried in an appropriate vessel or pan to a constant weight at the approximate temperatures of about 230°F ± 9°F. The entire sample is then allowed to cool down to the more comfortable temperatures, before placing them in an adequate container and covering with water at the average temperatures of 70°F ± 10°F. Soaking is then done for an ultimate period of a whole day. The sample is then transferred to a basket made up of a wire mesh, before rinsing them with fresh water. The basket is then suspended from the balance as they are totally immersed in water. The overall density should be 62.24 lb./ft3 ± 0.12 lb./ft3, and at the average temperature of73°F ± 3°F.