prepare and submit a paper on baptism and confirmation and eucharist. The ordinary minister in baptism is a bishop, deacon, or priest. However, because baptism requires simply the matter (water) and form (words), there could be an extraordinary minister including baptized persons (The Catholic Liturgical Library
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on baptism and confirmation and eucharist. The ordinary minister in baptism is a bishop, deacon, or priest. However, because baptism requires simply the matter (water) and form (words), there could be an extraordinary minister including baptized persons (The Catholic Liturgical Library The overall effect of baptism is to remove both actual and original sin, lead to new birth also referred to as being “born again”, incorporate the baptized individuals into Christ, and finally to act as a doorway to the church. There is an indelible mark of being a Christian and a child of God associated with the sacrament of baptism.
Various elements used in the sacrament of baptism wield immense significance (The Catholic Liturgical Library The water and oil are natural elements, created by God for cleansing and healing believers of anything capable of inhibiting the appropriate association with Him. While water cleanses one of the sins and gives life, oil signifies being chosen or anointed for Christ’s work and also signifies being strengthened for Christianity difficulties ahead. Exorcism prayers prior to baptism are performed, so as to get rid of the devil and evil spirits while readying the baptism candidate to receive Christ. On the other hand, the sign of the cross serves as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice for humanity. It also represents some form of branding, thus indicating that the baptized person belongs to Christ. Finally, the white garment emphasizes belongingness to Christ and a new life in him through being dressed like Him.
Baptism is ineffective participation in the death and resurrection of Christ. This is made apparent by several symbols and actions involved during the crucial rite of Christianity. For instance, exorcism prayers point to the casting out of the devil or death of evil in the person being baptized. This notion of death is reinforced by the pouring of water onto the candidate, showing that his past life of engaging in sin is over or has been washed away, further implying that his sinful self is dead. These actions are in sync with Christ’s crucifixion on the cross, for the sake of humanity.