Paste the SPSS output showing expected frequencies ( E). Report E for each cell in the 2 x 2 table. Determine if the expected frequencies assumption is met.

Step 1. Write Section 1 of the DAA. Refer to Comprehension Question 7 on page 343 of your Warner text to provide a context for the chi square analysis. In Section 1 of the DAA, articulate the two variables and the scales of measurement for each variable. Specify the sample size of the data set.

Step 2. Write Section 2 of the DAA. Articulate the assumptions of chi square:

  • Paste the SPSS output showing expected frequencies ( E). Report E for each cell in the 2 x 2 table.
  • Determine if the expected frequencies assumption is met.
  • If the assumption is met, indicate which version of chi square should be reported.
  • If the assumption is not met, indicate which version of chi square should be reported.

Step 3. Write Section 3 of the DAA. Specify a research question for this chi square. Articulate a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for the chi square. Specify the alpha level.

Step 4. Write Section 4 of the DAA:

  • Begin by stating your conclusion regarding the expected frequencies assumption.
  • Next, create a table of observed frequencies for the two variables Class and Saved, referring to Table 8.4 of the Warner text as an example.
  • Report the observed number of passengers in first class and third class who were saved and not saved.
  • Next, paste the SPSS output for Symmetric Measures.
  • Report the phi coefficient and interpret the effect size.
  • Then paste the SPSS output for Chi-Square Tests.
  • Report the version of chi square that is appropriate given the Eassumption. Include the symbol for chi square, the degree of freedom, the chi square value, the p-value, and your decision regarding the null hypothesis.
  • Next, calculate and report the odds of survival for the first class female group and odds of survival for the third class female group.
  • Finally, calculate the odds ratio of survival comparing the first class female group to the third class female group.

Step 5. Write Section 5 of the DAA. Discuss your conclusions of the chi square as it relates to your stated research question. Conclude with an analysis of the strengths and limitations of chi square analysis.