Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Palestinian-Israeli conflict

I need some assistance with these assignment. a jewish state in the middle east Thank you in advance for the help! The first major issue is territorial and the question of land. At its very core, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a conflict over land. a tiny sliver of land, semi-arid and dry, bordering the Mediterranean Sea and roughly the size of New Jersey (Central Intelligence Agency 2008). The second major issue is the juxtaposition of Israeli and Palestinian identities. competing nationalisms which were at odds decades before the establishment of the modern state of Israel. It is these two core issues, disputed land, and competing nationalisms, which are fundamental to the conflict and which must be tackled with vigor if one seeks to resolve the crisis.

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Any solution aimed at resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict must address the issues of land, competing nationalisms (a Palestinian state must be established), the status of Jerusalem must be resolved and Israel must be guaranteed existence of peace and security. Only when each of these highly complex issues is addressed will we see a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict (Gelvin 2005). A variety of theoretical paradigms have grown out of the Middle East in recent times.&nbsp. Arab nationalism and Islamism are political and social theories which seek to address the particular concerns facing the Arab world.&nbsp. Islam is a world religion which is one of the three great monotheistic religions and has its heart in the Middle East.&nbsp.&nbsp. While each is important, Arab nationalism is waning and Islamism remains a potent force in the post-Cold War world (Khater 2004).&nbsp.

Assignment 2

Create a 20 pages page paper that discusses media effects theories. Deep house (2000) adds that in mass communication, the sender can target a specific audience or a general audience, but the audience is individually anonymous in both cases.

Elements of Mass Communication

Mass communication’s essential elements are the sender or communicator, the message or content, the channel or medium, the receiver or audience, and the effects (Lasswell, 1948). The sender refers to the person who composes the message, which is the communication process’s source or origin (Biocca, 1988). The news is the actual information or ideas that are collected by the receiver for communication. The channel or medium refers to the sender’s path or conduit to convey the message to the receiver (Nabi & Krcmar, 2004). The track is the link or connector between the sender and the receiver. The receiver is the targeted audience to whom the sender intended (Deep house, 2000). The effects refer to the impact of the message on the receiver, and in many models, feedback is included as another element of the communication process after the effect. The feedback denotes the receiver’s reaction or response. it is used to assess a communication process (Nabi & Krcmar, 2004).

Features of Mass Communication

Mass communication differs from other forms of communication in several ways, including the sender or communicator, nature of the audience, the messages, and the channels or media of communication (Laswell, 1948). The sender in mass communication is usually a person or a group of persons in a professional organization who disseminate information to a mass audience with desired effects (Mutz, 2001). Mass communication introduces gatekeepers and regulators who complement information sources by improving or customizing the messages or content to appeal to the receiver or audience. Authorities, porters, and regulators include television producers, news reporters, and editors (Biocca, 1988).

Communication is the process of sharing, conveying, or exchanging ideas or information between two parties, namely, the sender and the receiver (Lasswell, 1948). It is defined by several attributes seeking to elaborate on its functional and operational characteristics, such as dynamic, interactive, innate, and continuous (Nabi & Krcmar, 2004). &nbsp.According to Biocca (1988), the main aim of communication is to affect the receiver in a way or manner desired by the sender.