Pages 4-9 provide a brief summary of this client’s conditions (in this example, Diabetes Mellitus). This demonstrates why it is important to have a good understanding of the client’s condition/disease before beginning a health education activity.

Health Education Pre-Brief Activity_STUDENT VERSION

  • Review Course Lecture PPTS and readings for Chapter 5: Frameworks for Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Risk Reduction.
  • Read the “Diabetes: Teaching Patients Self-Care” Module by Tracey Long RN, PhD, APRN (see attachment in Bright Space).
    • NOTE: This module is to help you understand the process of health education, not to educate you about any specifics related to diabetes. Please keep this in mind. The principles of education that are covered in this module are essential for ALL educational topics (not just the one focused on here). You are encouraged to create an educational plan based on your “client’s” needs. (examples: weight loss, hypertension management, stress relief etc). Do NOT do a plan on diabetes management, because this is covered in full in this module.


  • Using this module, answer the following questions:


  • Pages 4-9 provide a brief summary of this client’s conditions (in this example, Diabetes Mellitus). This demonstrates why it is important to have a good understanding of the client’s condition/disease before beginning a health education activity.
  • For your client:
    • Identify the disease/condition that you plan to address in this teaching plan
    • What resource/s will you use to review this disease/condition, in preparation for teaching? (Remember, all resources should be current and evidence-based).


  • Pages 9-12 discusses barriers to effective teaching.
  • List 3 barriers that healthcare professionals experience:
  • List 3 strategies to overcome the barriers you identified:


  • Pages 12-13 discusses Patient Centered Diabetes Education.
  • What is the difference between DOPE and HOPE?
  • How has the role of (diabetes) health educator changed in recent times?
  • How do we keep our education “patient-centered”?
  • What is the benefit of patient-centered education?







  • Pages 13-18 discuss the ASSURE mnemonic for teaching.

A: Analyze

  • Which elements are important to “Analyze” in our learners?
  • What are the 4 basic learning styles discussed in this module?
  • How can you assess learning styles in your client?

S: State the Objectives

  • Remember, all objectives should be SMART. What does this mean?
  • When creating objectives for the learning session, how do you best decide what to teach?

S: Select appropriate teaching method

  • List 3 examples of teaching methods that can be implemented during health education sessions:

            U: Use effective instructional materials

  • List 3 examples of instructional materials that can be used for health education:

R: Require learner performance

  • What are the 4 domains of learning?

R: Evaluate the learning

  • What are the best methods to utilize to evaluate effectiveness of teaching?


  • Pages 18-26 discuss various theories and models for change. Use this information to guide your selection of a theory/model for your educational session.


  • Pages 30-32 discuss Creating a Lesson Plan. Use this information to guide you as you create a lesson plan for your client.