Mr. JS presents today to your office for a follow up appointment after a BP reading at home of 166/95 last week. He is a 52 y/o male with a PMH of HTN and Angina secondary to CAD, which is well controlled, experiencing less than 1 attack per month.

Case Study 1
Mr. JS presents today to your office for a follow up appointment after a BP reading at home of
166/95 last week. He is a 52 y/o male with a PMH of HTN and Angina secondary to CAD, which
is well controlled, experiencing less than 1 attack per month.
On today examination, MR JS’s vital signs are as follows:
Temperature: 96.8º
Heart Rate: 68 bpm
Blood Pressure: 168/92
Respiration: 14
Ox Sat: 95% at room air
Pain: denies pain.
Last LDL on records (6 months ago): 189
Current Medications:
Atorvastatin 40 mg/day
Metoprolol tartrate 10 mg/twice/day
1) According to the recently released American Heart Association guidelines on hypertension,
what should be the BP goal for a patient with chronic stable angina and hypertension?
2) In addition to diet and lifestyle modifications, what is the medication of choice to control the
BP of a patient with chronic stable angina? Provide rationale
3) Provide at least 3 (questions) you would ask your patient RELATED to the case presented and
provide rationale.
4) Please explain whether you would request any laboratory or screening tests for this patient
and why (if any)
5) How would you achieve the B/P goal recommended for this patient according to the
guidelines provided above?
6) Provide References in APA style