Movement of Air Pollution

Question 1:

In this unit, you learn how air pollution particles move through the atmosphere. The movement of air pollution across states, countries, and the globe creates some interesting policy issues. For example, states have sued power plants in other states for air pollution that travels across their borders and degrades their air quality. Do you think communities, states, or other countries should be able to sue for pollution crossing their borders? If so, how much proof should the plaintiff need to prove that the pollution is coming from the defendant?


Question 2:

Discuss the difference between primary and secondary pollutants, and provide three examples along with the source of each. Why is the distinction between primary and secondary pollutants important to make?


Question 3:

Imagine that you are tasked with developing a sampling plan for an air pollution study. In your own words, describe each of the quality assurance/quality control concepts you should consider as you develop your analytical protocol. Why is it important to establish QA/QC procedures before any sampling is done


Your response to each question should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.