Module 4 | English homework help
Education-Related Issues – Narrowing the Topic
In the Looking Ahead Assignment you completed at the end of Module 3, you explored resources to identify three education-related issues. To be a change agent in the field of education, you have a responsibility to be aware of current issues and how those issues positively and negatively impact key stakeholders.
For this Discussion, you will narrow the scope of each education-related issue you identified in order to formulate problems that merit further investigation. What are some of the problems associated with each of the issues and whose resolution might be informed by applying knowledge from existing research or conducting a new research study? Why is it important to investigate one or more of these problems? Identifying issues and problems early in your advanced graduate degree program allows you to build on your knowledge base related to them. Further, you will be prepared to analyze and evaluate scholarly inquiry with a critical eye.
When evaluating an issue and reflecting on ways to positively address the issue, the task, at first, might seem overwhelming. For this reason it is important to critically examine the issue to determine the most important related problems. As you consider problems associated with an issue, you should be able to begin identifying potential researchtopics. Before you can begin planning a research study for a topic, the topic must be quite narrow. When attempting to narrow a topic to a specific problem to study, you need to consider the following:
· What has already been studied in the literature?
· How much time will it take me to complete a study related to this problem?
· What stakeholder buy-in will I need to obtain to perform this study?
· What are the benefits of doing this study?
· What are the ethical considerations related to this study?
· Will I be able to recruit participants for this study?
These questions are not inclusive of all that need to be considered when contemplating a research study, but they give you an idea of what needs to be considered when you take an educational issue and extract problems for possible investigation in the form of a research study.
To prepare for this Discussion, review the resources shared in this module as well as the following Toolkit documents: “Narrowing a Topic,” “Refining Your Research,” and “Creating Problem Statements.” Also, review the literature to learn more about each issue prepare to share any useful resources you discovered with your colleagues.
By Day 3 of Module 4
Post how you would narrow a topic from each of the three issues by identifying a problem for each issue that can be researched. Identify one piece of key information you have discovered in a scholarly resource about each problem, and create problem statements that concisely define the scope of how you will research each problem.
Assignment: Types of Writing, Applying Appropriate Styles
Scholarly writing is objective, addresses key stakeholders, clearly states a problem(s), provides the significance of the stated problem(s), and is logical and organized. The aim of scholarly writing is to make an argument that is supported with evidence. The peer-reviewed journals you have found in your library searches for literature are examples of scholarly writing. To be an effective change agent and a leader in the field of education, it is crucial that you have well developed scholarly writing abilities.
As you have explored your selected case study’s documents, you have read a variety of types of writing that differ from scholarly writing. For example, you may have read blog posts, letters to the editor, newspaper articles, and government reports.
Reflect on the different types of writing used in the resources that you identified in the Looking Ahead at the end of Module 3. Which resources reflected the characteristics of scholarly writing, and which did not? Your role in education will likely require you to not only read a variety of types of writing, but to use a variety of writing types in your own communications. As you may have noticed in the case study documents and the resources you have been exploring, the type of writing you use depends on your audience and the purpose of your communication.
For this Assignment, create a simple message related to the case study. In addition, identify three different audiences to which to communicate the message. These audiences may be extracted from the case study documents, or you may identify different audiences appropriate for the message.
Consider how you might convey the same message in writing to the three different audiences for your case study.
To prepare for this Assignment, review the documents related to your selected case study. Identify an aspect of the case study which would require a simple message for three different audiences. These audiences may be extracted from the case study documents, or you may identify different audiences appropriate for the message.
By Day 7 of Week 7
Submit a 2–3 page document in which you:
· Explain the simple message related to your case study which you wish to communicate.
· Create three written communications – one for each of three audiences you identified – using the appropriate type of writing for each context. (Each written communication should be approximately 2 paragraphs long).
· Explain why different types of writing are appropriate for different audiences/stakeholders. Provide specific examples.
Learning Resources
Note: To access this module’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in theCourse Materials section of your Syllabus.
Required Readings
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author.
- Chapter 3, “Writing Clearly and Concisely” (pp. 61–86)
Walsh, M. L., Pezalla, A., & Marshall, H. R. (2014). Essential guide to critical reading and writing. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].
- Chapter 4, “Syntax” (pp. 45–56)
- Chapter 5, “The Paragraph” (pp. 57–68)
Jacobs, R. L. (2013, Summer). Developing a dissertation research problem: A guide for doctoral students in human resource development and adult education. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 25(3), 103–117.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Newman, I., & Covrig, D. M. (2013, Winter). Building consistency between title, problem statement, purpose, & research questions to improve the quality of research plans and reports. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 25(1), 70–79.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Required Media
Accessible player
Laureate Education (Producer). (2014). Scholarly writing [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 2 minutes.
Students explain the efforts they had to make with respect to writing. They explain strategies they used to improve their writing. The interviewees also provide advice for students just entering an advanced graduate program.
Optional Resources
Walden University. (n.d.). Writing Center. Retrieved from